Model: 46PFL9704H / 60
Chassis / Version: Q549.3E LA
Panel: LK460D3LA43 code 195
LED driver (backlight): RUNTK4269 RUNTK4270
MOSFET LED driver: AO4443 (8) S80W APT212
Power Supply (PSU): PSC10283D
PWM Power: SSC9502, A6079 (8), STK 8008
MainBoard: 3104.303.52401 3104.313.63571
IC MainBoard: PNX85439EH, M25P05, M24C64, DRX3926K, TPA6111A2
Tuner: HD1816AF-BHXP-4
Control: RC4496 / 01 3128 147 21451
Specifications 46PFL9704H
General repair guidelines for TV LCD LED
Repair of the PHILIPS 46PFL9704H / 60 TV should begin with a fault diagnosis, which involves a careful examination of the external and internal elements of the device. In some cases, visible external damage to the elements can suggest the direction of troubleshooting and localization of the defect even before the start of the necessary measurements at the control points of the nodes of electronic circuits. Electrolytic capacitors of filters with a swollen casing, as well as ring cracks formed in the soldered leads of heating elements, or a layer of coal on burnt resistors sometimes tell the repairman the causes of the malfunction and possible consequences.
If the PSC10283 power supply module fails, the external manifestations may be different, for example, the PHILIPS 46PFL9704H does not turn on at all and there is no indication of the indicator lights on the front panel. With the same symptoms, the stabilizer (converter) of the power supply to the control processor may be faulty. First of all, it is necessary to replace the swollen capacitors of the rectifier filters, if any. If the mains fuse is broken in the power supply, in most cases a breakdown of the power key (s) is detected, which can be integrated with the PWM controller, or a separate field-effect transistor can be used. The rectifier bridge diodes and the electrolytic capacitor of the mains rectifier filter should also be checked.
In most cases, key breakdowns in switching power supplies (SMPS) do not occur for no reason and you should look for other faulty circuit elements that could provoke a defect. This can be dried electrolytic capacitors in the primary circuit, and faulty damper elements, as well as dangling resistors or punched semiconductor elements in the stabilization circuits. Possible defective PWM SSC9502 SK912, A6079 (8), STK 8008 from the manufacturer.
If, when you turn on the TV, the image appears and immediately disappears, or is missing initially when you turn on, but the sound has other functions that work, there is a high probability of a malfunction of the LED driver (power converter for the backlight LEDs of the panel LK460D3LA43 code195). In such cases, the general power module is also subject to verification, in which the electrolytic capacitors of the rectifier filter supplying the LED driver should be checked.
A malfunction in the backlight circuits often occurs due to an open in the power circuit of the LED lines. It is necessary to disassemble the panel and check the LEDs themselves, the soldering of their conclusions, as well as the reliability of the connections in the connectors and the soldering of the conclusions of the connectors.
To detect a break in the LED lines without disassembling the panel, a current source is required. It is impossible to open transitions connected in series with a simple multimeter; voltage of several tens of volts is necessary.
Once again, remind users! Attempts at self-repair of the PHILIPS 46PFL9704H TV without the appropriate qualifications and experience can lead to its complete non-repairability!
Service manual and schematic diagram 46PFL9704H/60 Chassis Q549.3E LA
40PFL9704H/12, 40PFL9704H/60, 46PFL9704H/12, 46PFL9704H/60, 52PFL9704H/12

3104.303.52401 can be used in TVs:
PHILIPS 37PFL9604H/60 (Panel T370HW02 V9), PHILIPS 40PFL9704H/60 (Panel LK400D3LA33), PHILIPS 40PFL9904/12 (Panel LK400D3LA43 (SRPJ) B p/n: 932227424682), PHILIPS 46PFL9704H/60 (Panel LK460D3LA43 code 195), PHILIPS 52PFL9704H/12 (Panel LK520D3LA73 (SRPJ) code 230).
The appearance of the power supply
Main features of the PHILIPS 46PFL9704H device:
Installed matrix (LED panel) LK460D3LA43 code 195.
The matrix control uses the Timing Controller (T-CON) RUNTK4163TP.
The LED driver RUNTK4269 is used to power the backlight LEDs. As the power elements of the LED driver, keys of the type AO4443 (8) S80W APT212 are used.
The necessary supply voltages for all nodes of the PHILIPS 46PFL9704H TV are generated by the PSC10283D power supply module or its analogs using SSC9502, A6079 (8), STK 8008 microcircuits.
MainBoard - the main board (motherboard) is a module 3104.303.52401, using chips PNX85439EH, M25P05, M24C64, DRX3926K, TPA6111A2 and others.
The HD1816AF-BHXP-4 tuner provides TV reception and channel tuning.