Model: 47PFT6309 / 60
Chassis / Version: TPM14.1E LA
Panel: LC470DUN (PG) (P1) code 107
LED backlight: 47 V14 DRT Rev0.2 1 L1 / L2 / R1 / R2-Type
T-CON: 6870C-0471D V14 60HZ 1G1D TI_V1.0
LED driver (backlight): 6917L-0152A, PPW-LE47FC-O (A) Rev0.6
PWM LED driver: LD7890GS
MOSFET LED driver: P3710BTF
Power Supply (PSU): 715G6338-P02-000-002S
PWM Power: LD7752B, LD7591T (PFC), LCS700LG
MOSFET Power: TK16A60W (PFC)
MainBoard: 715G6165-M01-000-005K (wk-1343)
IC MainBoard: CPU: MT5580PUEI; DRAM: K4B4G1646B-HCK0; NAND Flash: TC58NVG2S3ETAI0; SPI Flash: CAT24C128WI
Tuner: TDSY-G720D
Control: IR: GWA7.820.809-2 (V0.2), Wi-Fi: TWFM-L103D
Specifications 47PFT6309
General repair guidelines for TV LCD LED
In the absence of any signs of operability, when the PHILIPS 47PFT6309 does not turn on and does not signal anything with the control lights on the panel, there is a possibility of a malfunction of the power supply module 715G6338-P02-000-002S of the TV. When diagnosing and repairing the power supply, first of all, replace the swollen filter capacitors of the secondary rectifiers and check the fuse and, if it is broken, it is necessary to identify the cause. Often in such cases, an avalanche (thermal) breakdown is detected in the power semiconductor elements of the module - rectifier diodes and TK16A60W (PFC) transistors in the primary circuit.
Mos-Fet keys used in switching power supplies (SMPS) rarely fail for no reason to look for when checking other circuit elements. Often the breakdown is caused by malfunctions of electrolytic capacitors or semiconductor elements in the primary circuit, or by a break in the resistors in the stabilization circuits. The PWM controller chip LD7752B, LD7591T (PFC), LCS700LG-TL can also cause a breakdown of the power switch of the converter.
If there is no image when PHILIPS 47PFT6309 is turned on, or it appears and immediately disappears, but there is sound, most likely there is a malfunction in the backlight LED circuit of the LC470DUN (PG) (P1) code 107 panel, or in the LED node of the driver-converter of their power supply.
To check the health of the LEDs and contact connections in their power circuit, the panel must be disassembled.
To open all transitions, several tens of volts or more are necessary, and it is best to use a current source for such purposes. A break in the line of LEDs connected in series cannot be detected with a multimeter or tester without disassembling the panel. In the open panel, it is necessary to check each LED. If your multimeter cannot open the LED transitions in forward bias, then see the presence of the PN transition of the protective zener diode by connecting the probes in the opposite direction. If the zener diode is broken or broken in short-circuit, then the LED is faulty and needs to be replaced.
If the motherboard 715G6165-M01-000-005K (wk-1343) is faulty, first of all it is necessary to check all the linear stabilizers and power converters of its chips, and also, if necessary, update the software (software). Sometimes you can check the health of MB only by replacement.
In cases of attempts to repair the MB (SSB) board, it is necessary to check the health of its elements - CPU: MT5580PUEI; DRAM: K4B4G1646B-HCK0; NAND Flash: TC58NVG2S3ETAI0; SPI Flash: CAT24C128WI which may require replacement with new ones. If a BGA processor is installed, there is a possibility of a violation of the soldering of the contacts of its conclusions with the board (it is diagnosed by heating).
If you suspect a malfunction of the TDSY-G720D tuner, first of all, you need to verify the correctness of the software, as well as the presence of the necessary voltage levels and pulses of data exchange with the processor via the I2C bus at the corresponding terminals of the tuner.
Once again, we remind TV users: you should not make attempts to repair it yourself without the appropriate knowledge, experience and the necessary qualifications! Trust the repair only to professionals with sufficient experience in the field of electronic equipment repair.
Service manual and schematic diagram 47PFT6309/60 Chassis TPM14.1E LA

715G6165-M01-000-005K can be used in TVs:
PHILIPS 42PFT6309/60 (Panel LC420DUN (PG)(P1) CODE 106), PHILIPS 42PFT6569/60 (Panel LC420DUN (PG)(A1)), PHILIPS 47PFT6309/60 (Panel LC470DUN (PG)(P1) code 107), PHILIPS 42PFT5609/60 (Panel LC420DUN (PG)(A1)).
PSU Advanced
The 47PFT6309 / 60 TV has a 715G6338-P02-000-002S power supply module using the PFC (Power Factor Correction) circuitry, which acts as an active filter to eliminate the higher harmonic components of the current consumption. The boost converter based on the LD7591T PWM controller does not allow the input rectifier filter's electrolytic capacitor to be connected to the network directly through open diodes when the charge current determines its reactance (of the order of 15-30 ohms at a frequency of 50 Hz). As a result of the conversion, the charging current of the capacitor will be determined in such a way that the envelope of the high-frequency pulses of the input current will repeat the phase and shape of the sine wave of the input voltage. The health check of the PFC unit is carried out by measuring the DC voltage on the capacitor of the rectifier network. In operating mode, it should be around 380V, in standby approximately 300V.
The appearance of the power supply
Main features of the PHILIPS 47PFT6309 device:
Installed matrix (LED-panel) LC470DUN (PG) (P1) code 107.
The matrix control uses the Timing Controller (T-CON) 6870C-0471D.
The LED driver 6917L-0152A is used to power the backlight LEDs, it is controlled by the LD7890GS PWM controller. As the power elements of the LED driver, keys of the P3710BTF type are used.
The necessary supply voltages for all nodes of the PHILIPS 47PFT6309 television are generated by the 715G6338-P02-000-002S power supply module or its analogs using LD7752B, LD7591T (PFC), LCS700LG microcircuits and TK16A60W (PFC) type power switches.
MainBoard - the main board (motherboard) is a 715G6165-M01-000-005K module, using CPU chips: MT5580PUEI; DRAM: K4B4G1646B-HCK0; NAND Flash: TC58NVG2S3ETAI0; SPI Flash: CAT24C128WI and others.
The TDSY-G720D tuner allows you to receive television programs and tune to channels.