Model: 22PFL3404 / 60
Chassis / Version: TPS2.1E LA
Panel: LC220WXE (TP) (A1) p / n: 832226812682
Inverter (backlight): 715G3338-1
Power Supply (PSU): 715G3338-1 996510021772
MainBoard: 715G3280-1B 996510027165
IC MainBoard: MST9A885GL-LF, HY50U281622FTP-5
Tuner: TAFT-S710D
Technical Specifications 22PFL3404
General recommendations for repairing TV LCD
It is advisable to start any repair and diagnostics of the PHILIPS 22PFL3404 / 60 TV, as well as other devices, with a careful external examination of internal and external elements, including case parts, a display, buttons, and cables. In some cases, visible external damage to the elements can suggest directions for troubleshooting and localizing the defect before starting the necessary measurements at the control points of the nodes of electronic circuits. Carbonized paint on the upper layer of resistors, electrolytic capacitors of rectifier filters swollen after boiling, cracked soldering at the terminals of heating elements or transformers can often suggest the cause of the defect and possible consequences.
If the 22PFL3404 / 60 TV does not turn on, it does not make any sounds when it is turned on, and also no indicators on the front panel light or blink - there is a high probability of a malfunction in the power module. In some cases, only the regulator or power converter of the control processor may be faulty, which is typical for some PHILIPS models. In the general case, first of all, it is necessary to check the electrolytic capacitors of the secondary rectifier filters and the fuse at the input of the network. If it is broken, then you should check for breakdown of the PN junctions of the rectifier bridge diodes and the key transistor of the N-FET converter, which can either be on a separate radiator or integrated with a PWM controller in a common chip. Possible options.
It should be remembered that in the practice of repair, usually the power keys of N-Fet converters do not fail due to their poor quality and, in such cases, it is necessary to look for the cause that led to a malfunction and provoked a breakdown of the key. Most often, the culprits of the accident are dried electrolytic capacitors or dangling resistors in the primary circuit, or the PWM controller chip itself may be faulty. It is also necessary to check all the semiconductor elements of the stabilization circuit in the primary and secondary circuits.
When using the Active Power Factor Correction (CMC) circuitry in the power module, the search for faulty elements is somewhat more complicated.
If the PHILIPS 22PFL3404 / 60 does not have an image, there is sound and the channels are switched, there is a possibility of a malfunction of the display backlight, or their power converter - inverter. Sometimes when you turn on the image appears and disappears immediately. In such cases, it is necessary to check the electrolytic capacitors of the power filter of the inverter itself, including in the secondary rectifier of the main PSU.
Diagnostics of the 715G3338-1 inverter can be difficult due to the operation of the protection, which is organized by the designers to prevent negative consequences or fires in emergency cases, for example, during short circuits or breaks in the lamp power supply circuit, as well as their possible depressurization. To make the necessary measurements at control points or to take the necessary waveforms, repairmen have to block the protection circuits in order to be able to diagnose.
It should be remembered that when the protection is turned off, there is always a risk of failure of the inverter power elements during diagnosis. After repair, it is necessary to restore all standard converter protection circuits.
When trying to repair the motherboard, you should first check the serviceability of linear stabilizers or power converters of microcircuits and, if necessary, update the software (software). When repairing an MB board, you need to check its components MST9A885GL-LF, HY50U281622FTP-5. Defective items should be replaced.
Attention to the owners! Attempts at self-repair of the PHILIPS 22PFL3404 / 60 TV are not recommended by the manufacturer and can lead to serious negative consequences!
Service manual and schematic diagram 22PFL3404/60 Chassis TPS2.1E LA
MODELS: 19PFL3404, 22PFL3404, 26PFL3404, 32PFL3404

715G3280-1B can be used in TVs:
PHILIPS 19PFL3404/60 (Panel LC190WH1-TLC1), PHILIPS 22PFL3404/60 (Panel LC220WXE (TP)(A1) p/n: 832226812682).
The appearance of the power supply
Main features of the PHILIPS 22PFL3404 device:
Installed matrix (LCD panel) LC220WXE (TP) (A1) p / n: 832226812682.
To power the backlight used inverter 715G3338-1.
The formation of the necessary supply voltages for all nodes of the PHILIPS 22PFL3404 TV is carried out by the power supply module 715G3338-1, or its analogues.
MainBoard - the main board (motherboard) is a 715G3280-1B module, using the MST9A885GL-LF, HY50U281622FTP-5 chips and others.
The TAFT-S710D tuner provides TV reception and channel tuning.