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Richtige Fernseher haben Röhren!

In Brief: On this site you will find pictures and technical information about Service Modes, Circuit Diagrams, Firmware Update procedure, Disassemble procedure, Universal remote control set-up codes, Troubleshooting and more....

If you go into the profession, you will obtain or have access to a variety of tech tips databases HERE IT IS Master Electronics Repair !.

These are an excellent investment where the saying: 'time-is-money' rules. However, to learn, you need to develop a general troubleshooting approach - a logical, methodical, method of narrowing down the problem. A tech tip database might suggest: 'Replace C536' for a particular symptom. This is good advice for a specific problem on one model. However, what you really want to understand is why C536 was the cause and how to pinpoint the culprit in general even if you don't have a service manual or schematic and your tech tip database doesn't have an entry for your sick TV or VCR.

While schematics are nice, you won't always have them or be able to justify the purchase for a one-of repair. Therefore, in many cases, some reverse engineering will be necessary. The time will be well spent since even if you don't see another instance of the same model in your entire lifetime, you will have learned something in the process that can be applied to other equipment problems.
As always, when you get stuck, checking out a tech-tips database may quickly identify your problem and solution.In that case, you can greatly simplify your troubleshooting or at least confirm a diagnosis before ordering parts.

Happy repairing!
Today, the West is headed for the abyss. For the ultimate fate of our disposable society is for that society itself to be disposed of. And this will happen sooner, rather than later.

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..............The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of todays funny gadgets low price has faded from memory........ . . . . . .....
Don't forget the past, the end of the world is upon us! Pretty soon it will all turn to dust!

©2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Frank Sharp - You do not have permission to copy photos and words from this blog, and any content may be never used it for auctions or commercial purposes, however feel free to post anything you see here with a courtesy link back, btw a link to the original post here , is mandatory.
All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use. NOTHING HERE IS FOR SALE !

Wednesday, 20 February 2019



  1. The power supply may not be producing the correct voltages.
  2. The Digital Module may not be producing correct Turn-On command s [Power-1 & Power-2]
  3. The Logic PWB may not be supplying the correct Vs/Va Turn-On commands.
  4. The Panel shorted.
  5. The panel is defective, but not presenting short.
  6. Y-SUS and or X-SUS may be defective. [Shorted or non-working]
Monitor the front panel Power LED.
  • Does it turn ON, and then go OFF completely (Indicates shut-down).  Power supply is not running.  (Might be due to a short circuit).
  • Does it Turn On and stay Green, but No picture.  No shut-down.
  • power supply running basic power supplies, but Vs/Va voltages are not present.
Observations [Power supply]
  • Look carefully around all mounting screws for cracks or PWB damage.
  • BUFFERS (Drivers) on SDR Upper and/or lower PWBs [50" to 60"]
Carefully observe the Buffer "Snot" Chips.  Left side black chips mounted on the SDR upper and lower PWBs.  Check very closely for burns and/or small holes in these chips.  If any defect is noted, make sure that the PWB is defective.  Replace it and the Y-SUS if PWB is not upgraded.  Replace only SDR if PWB id upgraded.
COF [Chip On Film] from panel to A-Bus [42"]  Carefully observe the COFs (mounted on the flexible ribbon cables).  Look very closely for burns and/or small holes in these chips.
Check whether any ribbon cable damage on the connections to the Panel itself from the A-BUS PWBs.  If any defect noted, the panel is defective.  Some additional dis-assembly is required to see thes COFs as they are on the under side of the ribbon cable coming from the panel to A-BUS L, R and C PWBs.
Hitachi Plasma TV Power Supply troubleshooting
  • Look for any burns, open fuses etc:  
  • If burns found, replace the PCB as card basis.  It in not practical to make a repair to this board.
  • When AC is first applied, the power supply should turn ON and supply the following voltages.
  • Standby voltages [SBY 5V], SBY 3.3V on some models] and all voltages on the CNPSS connector.  
  • This requires Power-1 and Power-2 commands being high coming from the Dig-Main PWB CN-63.  After approx: two minutes, unless quick start is ON, a relay click is heard and the CNPPS voltages turn OFF.
  • If quick start is ON, power 1 & 2 commands remain high and all above voltages remain ON.

When the power button is pressed, the logic PWB sends Vsago and Vcego commands to the power supply; via CN64 connector.
  • There are two conditions the set can be in before the power button is pressed.

  1. If quick start is OFF, the Power-1  and Power-2 commands are output from the Digi-Main PWB after a short internal self diagnosis is run.
  2. If quick start is ON, the above stated does not happen because, Power-1 & 2 commands are already high, 'When AC is first applied'.
  • Generating the Vs and Va voltages?  This requires the  Vcego & Vsago commands being high coming  from the logic PWB CN-68 connector.
For a 42"
  • Va-CN64 pin number-1
  • Vs- [85v] CN64 pin number-7
  • -Vs-[-85.8v] CN 64 pin number 9 (For newer DW-3 chassis)
For a 50"
  • Va-[60V] CN64 pin number-1
  • Vs-[80V] CN64 pins 8/9/10
  • Any time Vs of Va voltages do not appear and a test is made, each time a new test to be made.
  • Press the Power button and turn the Plasma Off.
  • Wait until a click of relay is heard.
  • Unplug CN64 connector.
  • Re-plug the CN64 connector.  
  • If this is not done, the turn ON command for Vs/Va at pins 7&8 of the CN68 connector will not happen.
  • If the connector CN68 is pulled and voltage readings are taken on the CN68 connector at power supply the STB 3.3V will be present at pin-3.  There will be no voltage at pin-1.
Hitachi Plasma TV Troubleshooting
  • The green power LED is always ON.
  • The  power LED will go green  and may go Off or stay ON.
  • Green power LED will go green then go Off or may not go green at all.
  • This indicates that the set is providing Vs and Va voltage to the X-SUSTAIN & Y-SUSTAIN PWBs.  Use an analogue scope.  Look at the outputs from X-SUS and X-BUS.  Use the top pin of the connector going to panel, on either side.  
  • No activity usually indcate with a defective PWB.
  • Pull the ribbon cable from that PWB  to the panel, and check again.
  • If there is activity now, the panel might be defective.  In most cases, it is.
  • Pull all ribbon connectors before condemning the PWB.
  • If the panel is defective, in most cases it can be seen by the panel itself.
  • If Top ribbon cable is pulled, the top of the screen will be black; but the bottom will have raster.
  • This indicates a load on the line.
  • Pull CN64 connector feeding Vs and Va voltages to X-Sustain.
  • Measure the resistance in [Ohms] from Va and Vs lines on each PWB.
  • Low resistance value indicates a defective PWB. Normal reading should be of Mega-ohms. Using the diode mode on the DV/Voltmeter, there should be a brief charge time, then infinity.  Note, if there is a charge on the line, the meter may show low.  Pull the CN-68 connector and take the reading again.
  • The line should now be infinity when reading the power supply pins for Va and Vs when reading the connector going to the X-SUSTAIN PWB.
  • If a low is see on the connector , pull CN32 [bottom right hand plug on the Y-SUS board.
After the connector is pulled:
If low disappears, then the Y-SUS or SDR PWB has the fault.  If low remains, X-SUSTAIN is faulty
Pull all ribbon cables going to the panel, one by one while reading Vs/Va pins.  If the low disappears, the panel is defective.  Before confirm, check SDR buffer too.
If low remains the Y-SUSTAIN and/or SDR PWBs are defective.


  • If no evidence found:
  • Does Vs & Va voltages stay up.
  • If yes, Panel is defective.
  • If No, in this case neither PWB can be confirmed as fault.  Suspect Y-SUSTAIN PWB.
  • Disconnect the SDR Upper or Lower or Both from the Y-SUSTAIN PWB, and test Vs/Va voltages.  They must come On and stay up with these PWBs removed from the Y-SUSTAIN PWB.
  • There must be a dead load on the line, or no Vsago/Vcego commands from teh Logic PWB CN68.
  • Check the Va and Vs run-on commands.
  • The SBY 5V from CN63 pin-1, must be present before Vsago/Vcego lines can function.  AS the Power button is pressed, [Vcc5.1V] should come when Vcego/Vsago.  Commands go high.
  • Press the Master Power Switch on the bottom, to remove AC.
  • Wait unitl a relay click is heard.
  • Unplug CN68 connector, and re-plug it back.  If this is not done, Turn On command Vcego / Vasgo at pins 7&8 of CN 68 will not happen.
  • Connect a DC voltmeter to the CN68 connector Vcego / Vsago.
  • Press the vacation switch to apply AC power, and wait for about 30 seconds for initilization.  
  • If Normal:  After several seconds, Vcego / Vsago voltages should reach to 3.3v.
  • If a troubele is sensed, these pins will climb and then quickly drop the voltage to less than 0.03.

  • Pull the CN64 connector.
  • If the condition changes as described above, there is a load on Va/Vs lines.
  • If the condition does not change, the the problem is with Logic PWB.  Carefully examine the connector from CN68 to the Logic PWB CN6
  • Look for any visible damage to this cable.  
  • Confirm SBY +5V from pin-1 of CN63.  There are no diagnostic LED on the Digi-Main PWB.

  • Generates standby 5V any time AC is applied to the power supply PWB.  No matter whether the set is turned On or Off.
  • Digi-main PWB generates Power-1 and Power-2 commands on the CN63 connector when the set is in quick start, even when the set is Off and when the set is turned On.
  • Generates all voltages of CNPPS connector, when the set is in quick start, because of Power-1 and Power-2 are high.  #  The TV turns on quickly. ## No data communication have to be re-initiated at turn on. ### The Sub-Digital PWB digital tuner can be on.
  • Power-1 and Power-2 CN63 connector do not turn on Vs & Va or Vcc 5.1V, it only turns on the CNPPS voltages.
  • Power-1 and power-2 CN68 connector comes from the Digi-Main PWB PPM1 connector.
  • Vsago&Vsego CN 68 connector comes from the Logic PWB CN6 connector.
  • The CN68 connector should be unplugged and then re-inserted to reset the power supply, if Vs of Va did not come up for any reason.  If this is not done, Vcego / Vsago will never attempt to turn on Va/Vs again.  If AC is removed, this will reset the power supply.  It will take over five minutes time.
  • Power supply can be forced On to test all power supplies.  
  • Vcc 5.1V at CN64 pin-3 and CN68 pin-1 is generated at the power supply and is output voltage from the power supply, and not an input.
  • In Series-1 models, CNPPS pins7,13,14,15 all are tied together.
  • In Series-2 models, CNPSS pins 13,14,15 are tied together.
  • Vcc 5.1V, CN63 Pin-3 and CN68 pin-9 are tied together.
  • Power-3 is not used [CN63 connector]
  • The relays, RL001 & RL002 turn on any time AC is applied to power supply PWB; if quick start is Off, both relays turns off after a two minutes when AC is first applied.  If quick start is on, both relays stay on.  When the set is turned on, both relays turn on