These instructions are valid for RCU400_SYSTEMLINK4+_SYSTEMLINK5+ and other similar models.
- Press and Hold the "Code Search" button .
- Press and Release the device button (VCR,TV,CABLE etc:). If programming for 'AUX", press and release 'AUX' button first, and press the device type to be programmed.
- Enter the code.
- Release the "Code Search" button.
- With your device ON, press another button like, "Prog UP/DN" or "Vol UP/DN" to TEST.
- Turn ON the device.
- Press and Hold "Code Search" button.
- Press and Release VCR,TV,CABLE or Audio button. If programming for AUX, press and release AUX button first, and then press the device type to be programmed.
- Release "Code Search" button.
- Press ON/OFF (or Power for RCU100), repeatedly until the device turns OFF. Because, there are so many codes, you may have to press the ON/OFF button up to a 100 times, at a rate of once per second, if your device's code is towards the end of the preprogrammed list.
- When your device shuts OFF, press and release "Enter" button.
- With your device ON, press another button like PROGRAM UP/DN or VOLUME UP/DN to test. If it does not function correctly repeat steps [1] through [6].
Some TV/VCR combo units may be controlled using a combination of TV and VCR codes. For example, Philips TV/VCR combo units can be controlled by both the Philips TV code and Philips VCR code. In this case use the tV or VCR code listed for your brand to operate your combo device.
If remote control stops responding or locks up, folow these steps to reset the remote control.
Remove the batteries, and press number [1] on the keypad for 2 minutes. Reinstall the batteries and reprogram the remote control for each of your devices.
A few RCA, GE and Proscan devices do not need to be programmed. With these brands, the device button will usually turn the units ON and the ON/OFF button will only turn them OFF.
Scientific Atlanta cable boxes can be programmed by code search method using the 'Channel UP" button rather than ON/OFF. The device must be turn ON prior to begining code search. Once the device turns OFF, press and release "Enter" button, not the On/Off button.
Jerrold or General Instruments cable boxes can be programmed using the Code Search method. In some cases, these devices will change channels during code search, but continue until the unit Turns OFF. Them press and release "Enter" button. Some Zenith and OAK cable boxes require pressing "Channel Down" rather than "Enter" after the code entry.