Richtige Fernseher haben Röhren!

Richtige Fernseher haben Röhren!

In Brief: On this site you will find pictures and technical information about Service Modes, Circuit Diagrams, Firmware Update procedure, Disassemble procedure, Universal remote control set-up codes, Troubleshooting and more....

If you go into the profession, you will obtain or have access to a variety of tech tips databases HERE IT IS Master Electronics Repair !.

These are an excellent investment where the saying: 'time-is-money' rules. However, to learn, you need to develop a general troubleshooting approach - a logical, methodical, method of narrowing down the problem. A tech tip database might suggest: 'Replace C536' for a particular symptom. This is good advice for a specific problem on one model. However, what you really want to understand is why C536 was the cause and how to pinpoint the culprit in general even if you don't have a service manual or schematic and your tech tip database doesn't have an entry for your sick TV or VCR.

While schematics are nice, you won't always have them or be able to justify the purchase for a one-of repair. Therefore, in many cases, some reverse engineering will be necessary. The time will be well spent since even if you don't see another instance of the same model in your entire lifetime, you will have learned something in the process that can be applied to other equipment problems.
As always, when you get stuck, checking out a tech-tips database may quickly identify your problem and solution.In that case, you can greatly simplify your troubleshooting or at least confirm a diagnosis before ordering parts.

Happy repairing!
Today, the West is headed for the abyss. For the ultimate fate of our disposable society is for that society itself to be disposed of. And this will happen sooner, rather than later.

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..............The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of todays funny gadgets low price has faded from memory........ . . . . . .....
Don't forget the past, the end of the world is upon us! Pretty soon it will all turn to dust!

©2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Frank Sharp - You do not have permission to copy photos and words from this blog, and any content may be never used it for auctions or commercial purposes, however feel free to post anything you see here with a courtesy link back, btw a link to the original post here , is mandatory.
All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use. NOTHING HERE IS FOR SALE !

Tuesday, 26 February 2019


PHILIPS - 32PF5320 Service Mode, Error Codes & Fault finding


Using this procedure you can make the contents of the error buffer visible via the front LED.  This is especially useful when there is no picture.
  • When SDM [Service Default Mode] (refer the previous post), is entered, the front LED will blink the contents of the error buffer. 
  • The LED blinks with as many pulses as the error code number, followed by a time period of 1.5 seconds, in which the LED is OFF.
  • Then this sequence repeated.
Example of error buffer : 12 9 6 0 0
After entering SDM, the following occurs.
  • 1 long blink of 5 seconds to sttart the sequence.
  • 12 short blinks followed by a pause of 1.5 seconds.
  • 9 short blinks followed by a pause of 1.5 seconds.
  • 6 short blinks followed by a pause of 1.5 seconds.
  • 1 long blink 1.5 seconds to finish the sequence.
  • The sequence starts again with 12 short blinks.

It is assumed that the components are mounted correctly with the correct values, and no bad solder joints.
Before any fault finding actions check if the correct options are set.
In some cases , it can be handy if one directly can change the NVM contents.  This can be done with "NVM editor" in SAM mode. With option single bytes can be changed. 
  • Do not change the NVM settings without understanding the function of each setting, because the incorrect NVM settings may seriously hamper the correct functioning of the TV set.
  • Do not change the Scaler NVM settings, as this will hamper the DVI functionality of the TV set.
  • Always note down the existing NVM settings, before changing the settings. This will enable you to return to original settings, if the new settings turn out to be incorrect. 

In case, a blank NVM is placed or when the NVM content is corrupted, default values can be downloaded into the NVM.  For empty NVM replacement, short the SDM with a jumper and apply mains voltage.  Remember to remove the jumper after reload is completed.  After default values are downloaded, it will be possible to start up, and star aligning the TV set.  This is no longer initiated automatically; to initiate the download the following actions should be performed.
  1. Switch OFF the TV set by disconnecting the AC power plug.
  2. Short circuit SDM jumpers. Keep short circuited.
  3. Press P+ and CH+ on the local keyboard, and keep it pressed.
  4. Switch ON the TV set via AC power plug.
  5. Keep pressing P+ / CH+ button, until the set has started up and the SDM is shown.
  1. Go to SAM.
  2. Select NVM editor [not sc NVM editor]
  3. Select ADR (Address) to 1(dec)
  4. Change VAL (value) to 170 (dec).
  5. Store the value.
  6. Disconnect the mains plug and wait for a few seconds.
  7. Reconnect the mains plug and wait untils the set goes into its standby mode.[red light lights up]
  8. Restart the set.
No picture in RF mode, but there is a Noise Raster.
  1. Check whether picture is present in AV. If not go to video processing troubleshooting section.
  2. If present, check the Option settings are correct.
  3. Check if all the supply voltages are present [3.3 / 5 / 8 / 12 / 33V].
  4. Check I2C lines are working correctly [3.3V].
  5. Manually store a known channel and check if there is IF output at Tuner pin [11].
  6. Check the DC tuning voltage at pin number [2] of the tuner. This voltage should vary according to the frequency / channel being chosen. 
  7. If the tuning voltage is OK, check the tuner output  pin [11].
  8. If it has no output, the Tuner may have defect.  Change the Tuner.
SOUND in PICTURE PROBLEM FOR "L" SYSTEM [Rolling horizontal lines].
  1. Check whether AGC L in 'SAM' mode is set to [0].
  2. If yes, align the set to correct value.
Check whether a service jumper (#4204 & 4205, 0805size) is present.  If yes, remove it.

  1. Check +12V and 3.3V at position 1J02.
  2. If no supply, check the connector 1J02.
  3. If it is correct, check the power supply board.
  1. Check the connections 1K100 are properly inserted.
  2. If they are inserted correctly, check if 3.3V is present.


PHILIPS - 32PF5320 28 Service Mode, Error Codes and Fault Finding 

Philips 32PF 5320  Service Mode, Error Codes & Fault Finding............


  1. Check whether the user menu is visible.
  2. If the user menu is OK, activate teletext mode.
  3. If teletext is OK, the problem is in the ADC [B18]&[Columbus 3D combfilter [B19], if present [depending on model].
  4. If the user menu is not visible, check the LCD panel back light is ON.
  5. If the back light is OFF, the problem is in the power supply board or LCD panel.  Also check pin 12 (Lamp_ON_OFF) of 1J02.  It should be high, during normal operation.
Fault finding purposes, it is important know the following:-  
In Pixels Plus and Digital Crystal Clear models, which have an ADC [Analogue to Digital Converter] (B18), and Columbus 3D comb filter (B19), the digital input of the scaler is used for digital video path (Hercules output), whereas the analogue RGB output , analogue input of scaler, is only used for teletext.  This means that, no mixed mode [video plus teletext simultaneously] is possible.  If there is sound and teletext, but no video and user menu, the digital path [Hercules-ADC-Columbus-scaler] is faulty.  If there is sound, but no teletext, the back end part (Scaler-LCD panel] is faulty.  In crystal clear models, which do not have and ADC and Columbus, the RGB path (analogue input of scaler) is used for both video and teletext.

  • Check the Hsync_SDTV and Vsync_SDTV are present at pin 1 & pin 13 of 7E03.
  • If they are present, check teletext output.
  • If there is no teletext output, the IC TDA 150XX may be the defect.

Check Fuse. The power supply contain one fuse near the AC input connector X002.
  1. Check the power supply in OFF state by means of ohmic measurement.
  2. Fuse may open in case of severe lightning strikes and/or failures in the power supply.
  3. Check the Standby signal at pin 10 of X200.  On is High, Off is Low.  During standby mode, only 3.3V is present at pin 10.
  • 12V Output (Pin 8 of X200): Short circuit protected by 2.5 Amps fuse X610. Over voltage protection when output voltage is more than 40% above nominal value.
  • V audio output(+18V or +24V, depending power supply model used); (Pin 1 of X200): Short-circuit proof(+18 V version has 2.5 Amps fuse X660).  Over voltage protection when output voltage is more than 40% above nominal value.
  • 3V3 Standby output (pin 3&4 of X200):  Short circuit proof with auto restart.  Over voltage protection when output voltage is more than 40% above nominal value.
  • 24V output (for inverter X520 & X530);  Short-circuit proof, auto restart.  Over voltage protection when output voltage is more than 40% above nominal value.
  • Apply a 12 Ohm load  resistor of sufficient power rating to all outputs mentioned above [+12V,+18/24V, +3.3V and +24V].  Connect standby pin (pin 10 of X200) to Logical "L" (Low), ie to ground.  
  • Over an input voltage range of 90VAC to 276VAC, only the +3.3V standby output shall be up.
  1. Apply a 12 Ohm load resistor of sufficient power rating to all output mentioned as above. Connect the standby pin to Logical High, ie, to 3.3V via a 2.3kohms pull up resistor.  
  2. Over an input voltage range of 90VAC to 276VAC, all outputs shall be up.  The voltage on the +3V3 standby output shall be 3.3V over the entire input voltage range.  The voltage on the big 400V capacitor on the power supply should also be 400V +/-10%.