Richtige Fernseher haben Röhren!

Richtige Fernseher haben Röhren!

In Brief: On this site you will find pictures and technical information about Service Modes, Circuit Diagrams, Firmware Update procedure, Disassemble procedure, Universal remote control set-up codes, Troubleshooting and more....

If you go into the profession, you will obtain or have access to a variety of tech tips databases HERE IT IS Master Electronics Repair !.

These are an excellent investment where the saying: 'time-is-money' rules. However, to learn, you need to develop a general troubleshooting approach - a logical, methodical, method of narrowing down the problem. A tech tip database might suggest: 'Replace C536' for a particular symptom. This is good advice for a specific problem on one model. However, what you really want to understand is why C536 was the cause and how to pinpoint the culprit in general even if you don't have a service manual or schematic and your tech tip database doesn't have an entry for your sick TV or VCR.

While schematics are nice, you won't always have them or be able to justify the purchase for a one-of repair. Therefore, in many cases, some reverse engineering will be necessary. The time will be well spent since even if you don't see another instance of the same model in your entire lifetime, you will have learned something in the process that can be applied to other equipment problems.
As always, when you get stuck, checking out a tech-tips database may quickly identify your problem and solution.In that case, you can greatly simplify your troubleshooting or at least confirm a diagnosis before ordering parts.

Happy repairing!
Today, the West is headed for the abyss. For the ultimate fate of our disposable society is for that society itself to be disposed of. And this will happen sooner, rather than later.

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Note that if you don't find what you searched for, try it after a period of time; the site is a never ending job !

..............The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of todays funny gadgets low price has faded from memory........ . . . . . .....
Don't forget the past, the end of the world is upon us! Pretty soon it will all turn to dust!

©2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Frank Sharp - You do not have permission to copy photos and words from this blog, and any content may be never used it for auctions or commercial purposes, however feel free to post anything you see here with a courtesy link back, btw a link to the original post here , is mandatory.
All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use. NOTHING HERE IS FOR SALE !

Saturday, 9 February 2019



The remote control can control up to three different components and is already pre-programmed for use with newer Philips/Magnavox audio/video equipment. Unless you want to change a factory setting, skip the programming instructions and simply start using your new remote control.
  • To control component brands other than Philips/Magnavox, you’ll need to perform the following steps to manually program the remote with codes listed under Manufacturer’s Codes  Or as an alternative, you can use the Auto Scan feature, to program your component codes.
  • The following chart lists the remote component keys and what type of device each key will control:
Key Programmed to Control
TV                             TV
VCR                          VCR
CBL                          Cable Box
  • Manually turn on a component (e.g.,TV,VCR, etc.) and, if applicable, insert media (e. g., cassette).
  • On the remote control, press a component key once (e.g., TV,VCR,CBL).
  • Press and hold SET (approximately 5 seconds) until the red light blinks twice, then release SET.
  • Enter the first four-digit code for your brand of component.  If performed correctly, the red light will blink twice.
  • Aim the remote control at the component and press POWER ONCE. It should turn off. If it does not respond, repeat steps trying each code for your brand until you find one that works. If it still does not work, try using Auto Scan.
NOTES: Press each key within 10 seconds of the previous entry.  Otherwise, the remote control will exit the programming mode.  If you press SET at any time, the remote control will exit the programming mode without saving your entries. You will have to start with step 1 to begin programming again.
  • If your component does not respond to the remote control after trying all codes listed for your brand, or if your brand is not listed at all, try searching for your code using Auto Scan. For example, to search for a code for a TV:
  • On the remote control, press TV once.
  • Press and hold SET until the red light blinks twice, then release SET.
  • Aim the remote control at the TV and press SCAN. The red light will blink twice.
  • Continue aiming the remote control at the TV (which may take up to 5 minutes) until it turns off. Immediately press any key except VOL-, SCAN, or SET.
  • If SCAN is pressed again after any key stops Auto Scan, the remote will continue Auto Scan of the next ID from where it stopped.  If you have passed by the code that turns off the TV, press VOL- one or more times until the TV turns on again.
  • To lock in the code and exit Auto Scan, press and release SET the red light will blink twice.
To search for codes of other components, repeat steps as sated above
NOTES: In the search mode, the remote will send IR (infrared) codes from its library to the selected device, starting with the most popular code first.
AOC 0048, 0059
Admiral 0122, 0492
Aiko 0121
Akai 0059
Alaron 0208
America Action 0209
Anam 0209
Audiovox 0121, 0209, 0480
Baysonic 0209
Belcor 0048
Bell & Howel 0045, 0183
Bradford 0209
Brockwood 0048
Broksonic 0265, 0492
CXC 0209
Candle 0059, 0085
Carnivale 0059
Carver 0083
Celebrity 0029
Cineral 0121, 0480
Citizen 0059, 0085, 0089, 0121
Concerto 0085
Contec 0209
Craig 0209
Crosley 0083
Crown 0209
Curtis Mathes 0045, 0059, 0076, 0080, 0083,
0085, 0089, 0122, 0174, 0183,
0195, 0480
Daewoo 0048, 0121, 0480
Daytron 0048
Denon 0174
Dumont 0046, 0048
Electroband 0029
Emerson 0048, 0183, 0207, 0208, 0209,
0265, 0492
Envision 0059
Fisher 0183
Fujitsu 0208
Funai 0200, 0208, 0209
Futuretech 0209
GE 0050, 0076, 0080, 0122, 0207,
Gibralter 0046, 0048, 0059
GoldStar 0048, 0059, 0085, 0207
Gradiente 0082, 0085
Grunpy 0208, 0209
Hallmark 0207
Harley Davidson 0208
Harman/Kardon 0083
Harvard 0209
Hitachi 0045, 0085, 0174
Infinity 0083
Inteq 0046
JBL 0083
JCB 0029
JVC 0082
KEC 0209
KTV 0059, 0209
Kenwood 0048, 0059
LG 0085
LXI 0076, 0083, 0183, 0185, 0207
Logik 0045
Luxman 0085
MGA 0048, 0059, 0179, 0207
MTC 0048, 0059, 0085, 0089
Magnavox 0059, 0083*, 0208
Majestic 0045
Marantz 0059, 0083
Matsushita 0279
Megatron 0174, 0207
Memorex 0045, 0085, 0179, 0183, 0207,
0279, 0492
Midland 0046, 0076, 0080
Minutz 0050
Mitsubishi 0048, 0122, 0179, 0207
Motorola 0122
Multitech 0209
NAD 0185, 0195, 0207
NEC 0048, 0059, 0085
NTC 0121
Nikko 0059, 0121, 0207
Onwa 0209
Optimus 0183, 0195, 0279
Optonica 0122
Orion 0208, 0265, 0492
Panasonic 0080, 0279
Penney 0048, 0050, 0059, 0076, 0080,
0085, 0089, 0185, 0207
Philco 0048, 0059, 0083, 0174, 0492
Philips 0083
Pilot 0048, 0059
Pioneer 0195
Portland 0048, 0121
Prism 0080
Proscan 0076
Proton 0207
Pulsar 0046, 0048
Quasar 0080, 0279
RCA 0048, 0076, 0080, 0119, 0122,
Radio Shack 0048, 0059, 0076, 0085, 0183,
0207, 0209
Realistic 0048, 0059, 0085, 0183, 0207,
Runco 0046, 0059
SSS 0048, 0209
Sampo 0059
Samsung 0048, 0059, 0085, 0089, 0207
Sansei 0480
Sansui 0492
Sanyo 0183
Scimitsu 0048
Scotch 0207
Scott 0048, 0207, 0208, 0209, 0265
Sears 0076, 0083, 0085, 0183, 0185,
0200, 0207, 0208
Semivox 0209
Semp 0185
Sharp 0122
Shogun 0048
Signature 0045
Sony 0029
Soundesign 0207, 0208, 0209
Squareview 0200
Starlite 0209
Supreme 0029
Sylvania 0059, 0083
Symphonic 0200
TMK 0085, 0207
Tandy 0122
Technics 0080, 0279
Technol Ace 0208
Techwood 0080, 0085
Teknika 0045, 0048, 0083, 0085, 0089,
0121, 0179, 0208, 0209
Telefunken 0085
Toshiba 0089, 0183, 0185
Vector Research 0059
Victor 0082
Vidikron 0083
Vidtech 0048, 0207
Wards 0045, 0048, 0050, 0059, 0083,
0085, 0207, 0208
White Westinghouse 0492
Yamaha 0048, 0059
Zenith 0045, 0046, 0121, 0492
Admira 0077, 0238
Adventura 0029
Aiko 0307
Aiwa 0029, 0066
America Action 0307
American High 0064
Asha 0269
Audiovox 0066
Beaumark 0269
Bell & Howell 0133
Broksonic 0031, 0150, 0213, 0238
CCE 0101, 0307
Calix 0066
Canon 0064
Carver 0110
Cineral 0307
Citizen 0066, 0307
Colt 0101
Craig 0066, 0076, 0101, 0269, 0300
Curtis Mathes 0064, 0089, 0191
Cybernex 0269
Daewoo 0074, 0307
Denon 0071
Dynatech 0029
Electrohome 0066
Electrophonic 0066
Emerex 0061
Emerson 0029, 0031, 0066, 0072, 0150,
0213, 0238, 0307
Fisher 0076, 0133
Fuji 0064
Funai 0029
GE 0064, 0077, 0089, 0269
Garrard 0029
GoldStar 0066
Gradiente 0029
HI-Q 0076
Harley Davidson 0029
Harman/Kardon 0110
Harwood 0101
Hitachi 0029, 0071
Hughes Network Systems 0071
JVC 0096
KEC 0066, 0307
KLH 0101
Kenwood 0096
Kodak 0064, 0066
LXI 0066
Lloyd’s 0029
Logik 0101
MEI 0064
MGA 0072, 0269
MGN Technology 0269
MTC 0029, 0269
Magnasonic 0307
Magnavox 0029, 0064, 0068, 0110*
Magnin 0269
Marantz 0064, 0110
Marta 0066
Matsushita 0064, 0191
Memorex 0029, 0064, 0066, 0068, 0076,
0077, 0133, 0238, 0269, 1191
Minolta 0071
Mitsubishi 0072, 0077, 0096
Motorola 0064, 0077
Multitech 0029, 0101
NEC 0096, 0133
Nikko 0066
Noblex 0269
Olympus 0064
Optimus 0066, 0077, 0133, 0191, 1191
Orion 0031, 0213, 0238
Panasonic 0064, 0191, 0254, 1191
Penney 0064, 0066, 0071, 0269
Pentax 0071
Philco 0064, 0238
Philips 0064, 0110
Pilot 0066
Pioneer 0096
Profitronic 0269
Proscan 0089
Protec 0101
Pulsar 0068
Quasar 0064, 0191, 1191
RCA 0064, 0071, 0077, 0089, 0269
Radio Shack 0029
Radix 0066
Randex 0066
Realistic 0029, 0064, 0066, 0076, 0077,
Runco 0068
STS 0071
Samsung 0074, 0269
Sanky 0068, 0077
Sansui 0029, 0096, 0238, 0300
Sanyo 0076, 0133, 0269
Scott 0072, 0074, 0150, 0213
Sears 0029, 0064, 0066, 0071, 0076,
Semp 0074
Sharp 0077
Shintom 0101
Shogun 0269
Singer 0101
Sony 0029, 0061, 0064
Sylvania 0029, 0064, 0072, 0110
Symphonic 0029
TMK 0269
Teac 0029
Technics 0064, 0191
Teknika 0029, 0064, 0066
Thomas 0029
Toshiba 0072, 0074
Totevision 0066, 0269
Unitech 0269
Vector 0074
Video Concepts 0074
Videosonic 0269
Wards 0029, 0064, 0071, 0076, 0077,
0089, 0101, 0110, 0269
White Westinghouse 0238, 0307
XR-1000 0029, 0064, 0101
Zenith 0029, 0068, 0238
ABC 0032, 0036, 0037, 0043, 0046
Americast 0928
Archer 0826
Bell & Howell 0043
Bell South 0928
Contec 0048
Emerson 0826
Everquest 0044
Gemini 0044, 0826
General Instrument 0305, 0505, 0839
GoldStar 0173
Goodmind 0826
Hamlin 0049
Hytex 0036
Jasco 0044
Jerrold 0032*, 0041, 0043, 0044,
0305, 0505, 0839
Magnavox 0056
Memorex 0029
Oak 0036, 0048
Panasonic 0029, 0136
Paragon 0029
Philips 0056
Pioneer 0173, 0562, 0906
Pulsar 0029
Quasar 0029
Radio Shack 0044, 0826
Regal 0049
Runco 0029
Samsung 0173
Scientific Atlanta 0037, 0046, 0506, 0906
Signal 0044
Starcom 0032, 0044
Stargate 0044, 0826
Starquest 0044
Tocom 0041
Toshiba 0029
Tusa 0044
United Artists 0036
Viewstar 0056
Zenith 0029, 0554, 0928