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In Brief: On this site you will find pictures and technical information about Service Modes, Circuit Diagrams, Firmware Update procedure, Disassemble procedure, Universal remote control set-up codes, Troubleshooting and more....

If you go into the profession, you will obtain or have access to a variety of tech tips databases HERE IT IS Master Electronics Repair !.

These are an excellent investment where the saying: 'time-is-money' rules. However, to learn, you need to develop a general troubleshooting approach - a logical, methodical, method of narrowing down the problem. A tech tip database might suggest: 'Replace C536' for a particular symptom. This is good advice for a specific problem on one model. However, what you really want to understand is why C536 was the cause and how to pinpoint the culprit in general even if you don't have a service manual or schematic and your tech tip database doesn't have an entry for your sick TV or VCR.

While schematics are nice, you won't always have them or be able to justify the purchase for a one-of repair. Therefore, in many cases, some reverse engineering will be necessary. The time will be well spent since even if you don't see another instance of the same model in your entire lifetime, you will have learned something in the process that can be applied to other equipment problems.
As always, when you get stuck, checking out a tech-tips database may quickly identify your problem and solution.In that case, you can greatly simplify your troubleshooting or at least confirm a diagnosis before ordering parts.

Happy repairing!
Today, the West is headed for the abyss. For the ultimate fate of our disposable society is for that society itself to be disposed of. And this will happen sooner, rather than later.

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..............The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of todays funny gadgets low price has faded from memory........ . . . . . .....
Don't forget the past, the end of the world is upon us! Pretty soon it will all turn to dust!

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Tuesday, 19 February 2019


                        SONY KDL26S2000 KDL40S2000 KDL46S2000_ SERVICE HELP 

                                                                                             STANDBY LIGHT BLINKS ONCE 
           Fault:  10.5V and panel 5V Low-Voltage protection
  • Check that the Main Supply is developing 10.5V at CN6200 | CN6202 / pins 7&8.  The voltage should increase to 10.5V and should stabilize.  If this voltage is not present the main power board is defective, in this case, replace G1 | G2 board.
  • If the 10.5V is present then determine if the panel 5V is being developed by the switching regulator IC7000 on the BU Board.  Check the voltage at TP-1 on the BU board, this is the 5V output of IC7000.  If the panels' 15V does not approach  15V before the TV shuts down, make sure that the regulator has failed.  Replace the 'BU" board.
  • If both the 10.5V & panel 5V are OK, then the protection circuit [Q7500 & Q7502] should be checked.  If 3.1V is present at CN1001 | pin154, then the protection circuit is working properly and the main processor is not processing the signal correctly.  If 0V is present at pin 154 of IC CN1001, then the protection circuit failed.  In either case, the BU board has to be replaced. 
Fault: D5V under-voltage protection.
  • There are only [2] failures that can cause two blinks of standby light to these sets.  [1]  Open PS7000. [2] Defective 5V [D5V] regulator IC 7005.
  • Both these components are located on BU board and therefore would warrant are "BU" board replacement.  Anyway, for a possible quick and easy fix check for an open PS7000.  Replace if open. 
  • If PS7000 is OK, then the output of the 5V regulator IC7005 should be check to confirm a BU board failure.  If the 5V is missing, replace BU board.  
Fault:  3.3V & 1.8V low voltage protection.
  • There are four failures that can cause three blinks of standby light to theses sets.  [1] Open F7000. [2] Defective 3.3V regulator IC7001 [TP-3].  [3] Defective 1.8V regulator IC7002 [TP-2].  [4] Defective 2.4V regulator IC7004 [TP-4].
  • If '0V' is present at any of the regulator output test points, of if F7000 is open, the replace the defective component or the BU board. 
  • If F7000 and all voltages at test points stated above are OK, and TV still shuts down and show three standby light blinks at start up, a component in the protection circuit [Q7504|Q7505|Q7506|Q7503|D7508|D7509 & D7510] itself might have failed. 
  • Check for the presence of 3.1V at IC1001/pin 163.  If 3.1V is present there, then the regulators and circuits are working properly.  The failure is most likely to the Main Micro-processor.  It might not processing the DC ALERT-1 signal properly.  No other way than replace the (BU) board.



     Four blinks occurs due to a failure of back light inverter board of a defective lamp.  Check whether there is 18.5V power to back light inverter board at CN6203 | CN6202 pins 9-12 on the G-1/G-2 board.

  • The 18.5V comes directly from the G-1/G-2 board  to the back light inverter board.  If the 18.5V is not present at CN6203/6202, the main power supply has failed.  Replace G-1/G-2 board.
  • If the 18.5V is present, confirm that the main micro processor is sending "Back light-On" to the back light inverter board.  
  • The voltage at CN7009/pin-2 on the BU board should measure 3.2V in normal operation.  If this 3.2V is not present then the Micro processor has failed.  Replace 'BU' board.
  • If 3.2V is present at CN7009, check the 3.1V [Panel detect] coming from back light inverter board to the main micro processor.  The back light inverter pulls the 'Panel Detect' signal to '0V' when a failure occurs on the inverter board or lamp/s.  The 'Panel Detect' signal is measured at CN7009/pin-3.
  • If the 3.1V is present, then the back light inverter board is functioning well, and attempting to communicate with the Main Micro-processor.  But, the main microprocessor is not processing the signal.  If this is the case, replace the 'BU' board.
  • The presence of '0V' at CN7009/pin-3 indicates a back light inverter failure.  Use the following procedure to determine whether the back light inverter or the panel assembly is the defective component.
Caution:  Do NOT attempt to directly measure the inverter board output by place your VOM. 1000V or greater will be present at its output on initial Power On.
  • To check the inverter board output, place the VOM probe on the top of the individual plastic lamp connectors.  Set the VOM to AC Volt range, place the prob on the top of the connector  directly above one of the two wires.  Each connector feed two lamps.  Place the vOM probe over each wire for proper measurements.  A good output will measure approximately [3VAC].  A bad will measure approximately about [1VAC] or less.  
  • If any sigle output is bad, replace the back light inverter board. If all inverter board outputs are bad, check the [18V] supply from the main power supply before replacing the back light inverter board. 
  • If [18V] is missing, check for loose or damaged connections between G-1/G-2 board and back light inverter board. 
  • If 18V is present at the inverter board, and all outputs are bad, replace the inverter board.
                                                       Back light inverter board
                                                                      G-1 Board.
                                                                     G-2 board.




  Overall Power supply Protection:
The purpose of this protection mode is to indicate a failure on Main Power Supply [IC6100] on the G-1/G-2 board.  The primary monitor voltage is 18V.  If the Main Power Supply does not start or remain running the 18V will not be developed and the Main Micro processor will detect an overall poser supply failure.

  • The above said 18V is applied to a voltage divider consisting of R1031, R1034 & R1037. The voltage across R1037 [3.1V] which is stabilized and delayed by C1007 and applied to main microprocessor IC1001/pin-82.  The presence of this 3.1V indicates a properly functioning main power supply.  If the 18V is not developed for any reason, the this 3.1V will not be present  and the Main Multiprocessing will detect a power supply failure and will indicate it by 5 blinks of standby light before shut down.
Main reasons:
  1. Failure of main converter IC6100
  2. Loss of 3.3V Power-On signal from Main Microprocessor IC1001/pin-32.
  3. Excessive 19V supply to the PFC circuit.
  4. Failure of Inrush Relay.
  5. 18.5V over voltage condition.
Main Power Supply Converter IC6100
  • Confirm that both 3.3V Power-On signal and the 18.5V increase, and stabilize to their respective levels before protection mode shut-down.
  • The presence of 3.3V indicates that the converter IC6100 is most likely getting the necessary VCC input, and the presence of 18.5V that the converter IC is starting and developing the secondary voltages.  Therefore, some other fault is shutting down the TV.  It is rare case that IC6100 fail.  This IC [MCZ3000D] integrated circuit has been very reliable.
Loss of 3.3V Power-On signal from the Main Microprocessor.
  • The Power-On signal is generate by Main Microprocessor IC1001/ pin-32 on the 'BU' board.  The tricky part about troubleshooting this failure is determining if the main microprocessor is failing to generate the Power-On signal if one of the two latch circuits [Q6202/Q6204 & Q6105/Q6107]  on the G-1/G-2 board is pulling the Power-On signal low.  There is two latch circuits located on the G-1/G-2 board.  These latch circuits connect directly to Power-On signal line.
  • If the Power-On signal shows no signs of increasing towards 3.3V, the the failure should be with the Main Microprocessor.  Before replacing the 'BU' board, check all the connections between G-1/G-2 to BU board.
  • If the Power-On signal increases to 3.3V, and then goes back to '0V' one of the latch circuit are being activated.
The power-On signal can also be checked unloaded.  Disconnect [CN6202/CN6203] from G-1/G-2 board and check if 3.3V is present.  If it is there, indicates that Latch circuits are activating due ot a failure of G1/G2 board, and pulling the Power-On line Low.
  • Check for excessive 19V supply to the PFC circuit.
  • InRush relay.
  • 18.5V over-voltage condition.

                 SIX BLINKS OF STANDBY LED
There are three possibilities for this fault:

  1. Short audio amplifier outputs.
  2. Lose of 15V supply line.
  3. Lose of 9V supply.
The key to determine what to check first is if audio is heard before the TV shut off.  
  • If audio is heard before shut off, check the 15V power supply at CN7503/pin-1.  If this voltage is missing replace the G1/G2 board.  If this voltage is present, check fuse PS7001 for a possible easy fix.  If the fuse is found OK, replace the 'AU' board.
  • If no audio is heard before TV shut off, check for 9V at CN9502/pin-1.
  • If the 9V is missing replace BU board.  If 9V is present check and confirm that the protection circuit output voltage is making it to the Main Microprocessor IC1001/pin-26.  If 2.8V is present here, then the Main Microprocessor is defective.  Replace BU board.  If voltage at IC1001/pin-26 is (0V) the audio output circuit has actually failed.  Replace AU board.  a shorted audio output or a DC voltage level measure across the audio output will cause a 6 blinks of LED [protection mode].  In either case the problem will exist in the audio circuitry on the AU board.


Fault:  Internal Temperature Protection
  • The primary symptom to note when 7 blinks of standby light occurs is, how quickly the TV shuts OFF and goes into protection mode, and display 7 blinks of standby light. 
  • Does the the TV immediately shut down after the poser button is pressed, or does it operate OK for a short period of time and then shut down?
  • A true temperature problem where the internal temperature is excessive will take some time to detect.  The temperature itself will take time to sense the temperature and communicate the information to the Main Microprocessor.  If the TV immediately shuts down, the the protection sensor IC1007 has most likely failed causing this fault. If so, replace B-board.
  • If it takes some time for the TV to shut down and produces 7 blinks protection indication, further steps must be taken to resolve this problem.  Check the TV ventilation, room temperature and TV mounting area.
  • In most cases, cleaning the TV vents, adjusting the room temperature and/or remounting the TV must solve this problem.  Confirm that the TV is not mounted too close to home heating elements.
  • If these does not solve the problem, check the internal components.  Although this is an extremely rare occurance, check G1/G2 board, and LCD panel assembly for excessive heat.
  • There is No other components with in this TV that can cause and 8 blinks protection indication.  This indicates a TRIDENT video processor internal failure.  Specially the failure of the scan converter section.  Replace the BU board.
                                                                        BU Board