1. When the PDP module is
replaced, adjust the sections according to the adjusting items 1 to 4 specified
2. When the power unit is
replaced, adjust the sections according to the adjusting items 1 to 3 specified
3. When the MAIN PWB or the VIDEO
PWB is replaced, adjust the sections according to the adjusting item 4 specified
4. No adjustments are required in
case of any replacement other than 1 and 2 above.
{CAUTION} When you exchange PDP
module, please be sure to clear integrated time to “0” by the following “How to
clear the integrated time”.
How to clear the integrated time
Assume the following factory mode
by the use of the remote control. Press “PROCEED” key six times to get the
screen of “USAGE TIME”. In this state, the integrated time up to the present
time is displayed.
The integrated time is cleared to
“0” when the remote control keys are pressed in the order of “MUTE” →POSITION
How to enter or withdraw from the
factory setting mode:
Press the keys in the sequential
order of [OFF TIMER] →[EXIT] →[MUTE] →[OFF TIMER].
When a conventional remote
control is used:
Press the keys in the sequential
order of [OFF TIMER] →[OK] →[MUTE] →[OFF TIMER].
At that time, use the [MENU] key
in place of the [PROCEED] key.
1. Adjustment of +170V
(1) Using any video signal of
VIDEO input, DVD/HD input, or RGB input, and display a color bar signal. Turn
on the power switch of the main unit.
(2) Turn the volume control (RV4)
in the [+170V ADJ] section of the power unit, and adjust the voltage value between
TP3 (+170V output) and TP4 (GND) of the power unit so that this voltage settles
within the range of “specified voltage of the PDP module (Value Vs on the label
shown below) ±1V.”
2. Adjustment of +70V
(1) Using any video signal of VIDEO input, DVD/HD input, or
RGB input, and display a color bar signal. Turn on the power switch of the main
(2) Confirm that the voltage value between TP2 (+70V output)
and TP4 (GND) of the power unit is maintained at “70 ±1V.” Otherwise, turn the volume control (RV3) in
the [D+70V ADJ] section so that the voltage value is maintained at “70 ±1V.”
3. Adjustment of +5V
(1) Use any video signal of VIDEO input, DVD/HD input, or
RGB input, and display a color bar signal.
(2) Confirm that the voltage value between TP1 (+5V output)
and TP4 (GND) of the power unit is maintained at “5.1 ±0.1V.” Otherwise, turn the volume control (RV2) in
the [+5V ADJ] section so that the voltage value is maintained at “5.1 ±0.1V.”
4. Screen position and phase
Adjustment of the range of
horizontal display presented at the PDP module
Adjustment of the range of
vertical display presented at the PDP module
Adjustment of the signal position
in horizontal direction within the H POS display range
Adjustment of the signal position
in vertical direction within the V POS display range.
Adjustment of the VIDEO screen
Make correct adjustments of the
display range with [MHPOS] and [MVPOS].
(1) Enter an input of NTSC
monoscopic signal in the VIDEO input terminal.
(2) Select the VIDEO input by the
use of the relevant key of the remote control or the CTL PWB.
(3) Enter the factory shipment
setting mode by using the factory shipment control command of the remote control.
(4) Press the [PROCEED] key to
obtain the [POSITION] screen.
(5) Press the [WIDE] key to
select the [STADIUM] mode. ([STADIUM] mode in the initial state)
(6) In case of any deviation from
the display range of the PDP module, press the cursor key [ ] or [v] of the remote
control to select [MHPOS] or [MVPOS]. Press the cursor key [<] or [>] for
(7) Press the cursor key [Up ] or
[Dn] of the remote control to select [H POS].
(8) Press the cursor key [<]
or [>] for adjustments so that the right and left are balanced.
(9) Press the cursor key [Up ] or
[Dn] of the remote control to select [V POS].
(10) Press the cursor key [<]
or [>] for adjustments so that the upper and lower are balanced.
(11) Confirm that [H PHA] is
maintained at 0.
(12) Confirm that [H CLK] is
maintained at 0.
(13) In the same manner, press
the [WIDE] key to select the [ZOOM] mode, the [NORMAL] mode, or the
[FULL] mode. Adjust the horizontal
and vertical positions, and confirm that [H PHA] and [H CLK] are maintained at
0, respectively.
(14) Change the input signal to
the PAL monoscopic signal and repeat the steps of (4) to (14) above.
(15) Withdraw from the factory
Adjustment of the DVD/HD screen
Make correct adjustments of the
display range with [MHPOS] and [MVPOS].
(1) Enter an input of HDTV
monoscopic signal in the DVD/HD input terminal. According to the “convenient functional
setting” in the [MENU] screen, press the cursor key [^] or [v] of the remote
control to confirm that [HD SELECT] has been set at [1035i].
(2) Select the HD input by the
use of the relevant key of the remote control or the CTL PWB.
(3) Enter the factory shipment
setting mode by using the factory shipment control command of the remote control.
(4) Press the [PROCEED] key to
obtain the [POSITION] screen.
(5) In case of any deviation from
the display range of the PDP module, press the cursor key [Up ] or [Dn] of the remote
control to select [MHPOS] or [MVPOS]. Press the cursor key [<] or [>] for
(6) Press the cursor key [Up ] or
[Dn] of the remote control to select [H POS].
(7) Press the cursor key [<]
or [>] for adjustments so that the right and left are balanced.
(8) press the cursor key [Up ] or
[Dn] of the remote control to select [V POS].
(9) Press the cursor key [<]
or [>] for adjustments so that the upper and lower are balanced.
(10) Confirm that [H PHA] is
maintained at 0.
(11) Confirm that [H CLK] is
maintained at 0.
(12) Change the input video
signal to the NTSC component signal and repeat the steps of 1-1 (3) to (11) above.
(13) Change the input video
signal to the DTV 1080i signal and repeat the steps of 1-1 (3) to (11) above.
(14) Change the input video
signal to the DTV 1080i signal. Press the cursor key [<] or [>] of the
remote control to select [1080B] for [HDS] of the screen. Repeat the steps of
1-1 (3) to (11) above. Return [HDS] to [1080i].
(15) Change the input video
signal to the DTV 720P signal and repeat the steps of 1-1 (3) to (11) above.
(16) Change the input video
signal to the DTV 480P signal and repeat the steps of 1-1 (3) to (11) above.
(17) Withdraw from the factory
shipment setting mode.