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Richtige Fernseher haben Röhren!

In Brief: On this site you will find pictures and technical information about Service Modes, Circuit Diagrams, Firmware Update procedure, Disassemble procedure, Universal remote control set-up codes, Troubleshooting and more....

If you go into the profession, you will obtain or have access to a variety of tech tips databases HERE IT IS Master Electronics Repair !.

These are an excellent investment where the saying: 'time-is-money' rules. However, to learn, you need to develop a general troubleshooting approach - a logical, methodical, method of narrowing down the problem. A tech tip database might suggest: 'Replace C536' for a particular symptom. This is good advice for a specific problem on one model. However, what you really want to understand is why C536 was the cause and how to pinpoint the culprit in general even if you don't have a service manual or schematic and your tech tip database doesn't have an entry for your sick TV or VCR.

While schematics are nice, you won't always have them or be able to justify the purchase for a one-of repair. Therefore, in many cases, some reverse engineering will be necessary. The time will be well spent since even if you don't see another instance of the same model in your entire lifetime, you will have learned something in the process that can be applied to other equipment problems.
As always, when you get stuck, checking out a tech-tips database may quickly identify your problem and solution.In that case, you can greatly simplify your troubleshooting or at least confirm a diagnosis before ordering parts.

Happy repairing!
Today, the West is headed for the abyss. For the ultimate fate of our disposable society is for that society itself to be disposed of. And this will happen sooner, rather than later.

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..............The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of todays funny gadgets low price has faded from memory........ . . . . . .....
Don't forget the past, the end of the world is upon us! Pretty soon it will all turn to dust!

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Monday 8 April 2019


Precor C100i - Adaptive Motion Trainer – How to access software code – Diagnostics software – Information display – How to activate cube setting – Maintenance procedure Precor C100i

Software Access Codes
The C100i uses the standard access codes to provide access to the various software features.
Use the RESET key and the numeric keypad to enter the access code. The access code must be entered when the Precor banner is scrolling on the display. The standard access codes use all sequential key presses. The allowable delay between key presses is short. If too much time is taken between key presses the access procedure will be aborted and the display will return to the idle state with the Precor banner displayed. If the access is aborted, it will be necessary to start over from the beginning.
Standard Access Codes
Diagnostics Keys ------ RESET,5,1,7,6,5,7,6,1
Odometer Keys -------- RESET,6,5
Club Settings Keys----- RESET,5,6,5,1,5,6,5
Accessing the Diagnostic Software
The treadmill's diagnostic software consists of the following modes:
# Display Test
# Keyboard Test
# Heart Rate Test
# Brake Test
# RPM Test
# Battery Test
# Stride Position Test
1. Start pedaling the C100i using a vertical motion.
2. Using the RESET key and the numeric keypad, press keys RESET,5,1,7,6,5,7,6,1, sequentially.
3. Hardware Validation will scroll across the display followed by DISPLAY TEST.
4. Press the OK key, the upper most group of LED’s will illuminate on the display. Check the display to ensure that all LED segments are illuminated.
5. Press the OK key six more times to display the remaining LED groups. Check each display group to ensure that all LED segments are illuminated.
6. Press the CLEAR key then the DOWN key, KEYBOARD TEST will scroll across the display.
7. Press the OK key, a representation of all of the keys on the console will be displayed.
Pressing a key on the console will cause the representation of that key to go off. Press all of the keys on the console to ensure that all of the keys are functioning.
8. Press and hold the CLEAR key then the DOWN key, HEART RATE will be displayed.
9. Grasp both of the heart rate grips on the handlebar, after a couple of seconds the heart rate will be displayed in the heart rate display. The unfiltered an filtered heart rate will be displayed in the lower display window.
10. Use chest strap transmitter or a test transmitter to test the wireless heart rate function, after a couple of seconds the heart rate will be displayed in the heart rate display. The unfiltered an filtered heart rate will be displayed in the lower display window.
11. Press the CLEAR key then the DOWN key, BRAKE TEST will scroll across the display.
12. Press the OK key, BRAKE will be displayed.
13. Press the OK key, PWRB will be displayed with the current power bit reading. Pressing the resistance UP,DOWN will change the power bit setting.
14. Press the CLEAR key then the DOWN key, RPM TEST will scroll across the display.
15. Press the OK key, RPM will be displayed.
16. Press the OK key, PULSE will be displayed with the current speed pulse count.
17. Press the CLEAR key then the DOWN key, BATTERY TEST will scroll across the display.
18. Press the OK key, the current battery voltage will be displayed.
19. Press the CLEAR key then the DOWN key, STRIDE POSITION TEST will scroll across the display.
20. Press the OK key, the low, high and actual stride positions will be displayed. The low display shows the lowest position reading achieved during the test. The high display shows the highest position reading achieved during the test. The actual display changes with the current stride position. Stride on the AMT to the maximum horizontal movement in both directions. At maximum stride length the low stride display should read 0 and the high stride display should read 40.
21. Press the OK key, the low and stride positions will be displayed.
22. Press the RESET key to exit the hardware validation test.
Information Display
Software version numbers are invaluable for tracking and identifying problems and staying aware of changes to the operation and features of the product.
The information display will access the following data;
# Odometer
# Hour Meter
# U-Boot Software
# U-Base Software
# Lower Base Software
# Metrics Board Software
# Stride Dial Software
# Serial Number
# Usage log
# Error Log
1. Start pedaling the C100i using a vertical motion.
2. With the PRECOR banner scrolling, press the keys RESET,6,5, sequentially.
3. DIAGS-INFORMATION DISPLAY will scroll across the display.
4. Use the UP,DOWN keys to move to the desired display shown in the list above.
5. ODOMETER display. Press the OK key.
6. The horizontal distance will be displayed in miles or kilometers and the vertical distance will be displayed in steps.
Note: The odometer data is stored in non-volatile memory on the upper PCA. If the upper PCA is replaced the odometer data will be lost.
7. Press the CLEAR key to exit the odometer display.
8. HOUR METER display. Press the OK key.
9. The operating time of the unit will be displayed as 12345 HOURS. The operating time is defined as total amount of time that the unit has operated in program modes. The hour meter is also used to provide the “time stamp” for the error code log.
10. Press the CLEAR key to exit the hour meter display
11. U-BOOT SW display. This display the installed version of upper boot software. The boot software is used to upload new software into the upper display PCA.
12. Press the OK key. The software part number will be displayed as XXXXX-XXX.
13. Press the CLEAR key to exit the U-Boot SW display.
14. U-BASE SW display. This display the installed version of upper PCA software.
15. Press the OK key. The software part number will be displayed as XXXXX-XXX.
16. Press the CLEAR key to exit the U-Base SW display.
17. LOWER BASE SW display. This display the installed version of lower PCA software.
18. Press the OK key. The software part number will be displayed as XXXXX-XXX.
19. Press the CLEAR key to exit the lower SW display.
20. METRICS BOARD SW display. This display the installed version of lower PCA software.
21. Press the OK key. The software part number will be displayed as XXXXX-XXX.
22. Press the CLEAR key to exit the lower SW display.
23. STRIDE DIAL SW display. This display the installed version of lower PCA software.
24. Press the OK key. The software part number will be displayed as XXXXX-XXX.
25. Press the CLEAR key to exit the lower SW display.
26. SER. NUMBER display. Press the OK key.
27. The C100i’s serial number will be displayed. The serial number may be incorrect or not displayed if the upper PCA has been replaced.
28. Press the CLEAR key to exit the serial number display.
29. USAGE LOG display. Press the OK key.
30. Use the UP,DOWN keys to move through the list of programs. A message will scroll describing the program, the number of times and the number of minutes the program was used.
31. Press the CLEAR key to exit the usage log display.
32. ERROR LOG display. Press the OK key, the quantity of errors in the log will be displayed.
33. Press the OK key, the most recent error will be displayed first.
34. Use the UP,DOWN keys to move through the list of errors. The error messages will list the error name, the odometer reading when the error occurred, the hour meter when the error occurred and the drive motor current reading when the error occurred.
35. If you wish to clear the error log, press and hold the QUICK START key. The message HOLD TO CLEAR ERRORS will be displayed. The error log will be cleared when the message NO ERRORS is displayed.
36. Press the RESET key to exit the information display.
37. Please note that the ERROR LOG may also be accessed at any time by pressing and holding the RESET key for four seconds. If the error log does not contain any errors, the message STUCK KEY will be displayed.
Selecting Club Settings
This procedure allows you to change the following club settings:
# Select Language
# Select Units
# Set Max Workout Time
# Set Max Pause Time
# Set Cool Down Time
1. Start pedaling the C100i using a vertical motion.
2. With the banner scrolling, press keys RESET,5,6,5,1,5,6,5, sequentially.
3. Use the UP, DOWN keys to move to the desired display shown in the list above.
4. DIAGS-SET CLUB PARAMETERS will scroll across the display.
5. When SELECT LANGUAGE is displayed. Press the OK key.
6. Use the UP, DOWN keys to toggle between the available languages.
7. Press the BACK key to exit the select language display.
8. SELECT UNITS display. Press the OK key.
9. Use the UP, DOWN keys to toggle between U.S and METRIC measurements.
10. Press the BACK key to exit the set units display.
11. SET MAX WORKOUT TIME display. Press the OK key.
12. Use the UP, DOWN keys to select the maximum time a user can remain in a program.
13. Press the BACK key to exit the set max. workout time display.
14. SET MAX PAUSE TIME display. Press the OK key.
15. Use the UP, DOWN keys to select the maximum time a program will remain in the pause mode.
16. Press the BACK key to exit the set max. pause time display.
17. SET COOL DOWN TIME display. Press the OK key.
18. Use the UP, DOWN keys to select the cool down time from 0 to 5 minutes.
19. Press the BACK key to exit the set cool down time display.
20. Press the RESET key to exit the club settings program.
Measuring the Resistance of a Generator
If a external power supply is connected to the C100i, disconnect the external power supply from
the C100i before continuing with this procedure.
1. Remove the right side cover
2. Remove the red battery wire from the lower PCA.
Before continuing with this procedure, review the Warning and Caution statements listed in Section One, Things You Should Know.
3. Set the ohmmeter to a range that will conveniently read up to 50 ohms.
4. Remove the two wires from the LOAD terminals of the lower PCA.
5. With an ohmmeter, read between the wires removed in step 5. The reading should be approximately 10 ohms[1]Replace the two wires removed in step 5.
6. Remove the three wires from the 3 PHASE GEN IN terminals of the lower PCA.
7. With an ohmmeter, read between the red & white, red & black and white & black wires. Each reading should be approximately 25ohms Reconnect the wires removed in step 7
8. If any of the readings are significantly high or significantly low, remove the intermediate cable from the generator and perform the same measurements as in step 4 on the generator connector. If the reading are now correct check and or replace the intermediate cable. If the readings are still incorrect, remove the three phase generator.
9. Reconnect the red battery wire
10. Replace the right side cover.
After Each Use
Wipe down the covers, handlebars and stairarms with a damp cloth.
Daily Maintenance
Clean the C100i’s frame, covers, stairarms and foot pedals using water or a 30:1 solution of Simple Green and water. Wipe the surface of the electronic console with a damp sponge or soft cloth. Dry with a clean towel. A 30:1 solution of Simple Green  and water or Contec Athletix wipes are the only cleaning products that have been tested and approved for use on the C100i. The use of an acid (citric) based cleaner is not authorized by Precor.
Weekly Maintenance
Vacuum underneath the C100i, following these steps:
1. Unplug the optional external power supply (when equipped) from the AC outlet
2. Remove the platform at the rear of the C100i.
3. Carefully lift the rear of the C100i and move it to a temporary location.
4. Vacuum the rug or damp mop the floor.
5. Make sure that the floor is dry before returning the C100i to its original position and replacing the platform.
# Re-level the C1100i to ensure that all five “feet” are in contact with the floor.
# Thoroughly test all C100i per Section Four, including heart rate.
# Cardio Theater cord management must be observed.
Quarterly Maintenance
1. Remove the side covers
2. Check the belt alignment and tension
3. Clean the inside of the C100i.
4. Inspect fasteners for proper tightness and torque.
5. Check for excessive noise during vertical and horizontal operation.
6. Replace the side covers.
7. Re-level the C100i to ensure that all five “feet” are in contact with the floor.
Preventive Maintenance Service
Perform the software diagnostics. Check LED and keypad function. Record the odometer
# Check stride rate and stride length sensor function (is the stride rate and stride length displayed when the unit is in operation?).
# Visually inspect the drive belts for cracks, fraying or excessive wear.
# When furnished, inspect the optional power supply cords. If a power supply cord(s) is damaged, install a new power supply.
# Visually examine all wires and check connectors and wire connections. Secure connections and replace wiring as necessary.
# Cardio Theater cord management must be observed