HTC Desire X – How replace the touch screen – How to remove the case
is the Desire X, with the touch screen damaged, but working.
the back cover and battery are removed, its time to dissasembly. First unscrew
the 5 torx #5 from back side. Then, with a flat screwdriver, push and open the
back cover, from side to side.
on the main board, we have to remove the screw near the camera. Release the
connector on the bottom Finally, remove the antenna connector.
the bottom connector is loosed, you can take away the sound board and separate
the flat cable from underneath. Next, the power button has to be removed. It is
a bit sticky, so you may want to use a cutter or knife to separate. Long nails
also work.
its time to release the vibrator connector (or vibrator from holder - easier),
and then release the lower connector on the main board ( see pic 2). Remove the
black tape first, and then use some tweezers to pull out the connector. Once
its done, lift by one side the main board, and you can see the LCD connector.
Open the white tab by lifting it up at the edge, and remove the flat cable.
its time to remove the product label, and keep it without bend to put back together.
Then, under the silver ribbon, which is hard to remove, there is another flat
connector, which must be disconnected.
flat cable that goes to main board must be removed, and the flat cable of the
touch is loosed. Remove the speaker from the top side of the phone.
remove the glue from the LCD and touch of the screen, we have to heat all the
screen, with special attention to the top and bottom zones. I have one Hot Air
Station, but you can do it with a hairdryer. With more time you heat, more easy
to remove, but be careful... With a Metal thin blade, insert between bezel and
LCD, and bend it to start releasing.
the both parts comes apart. At the left, the LCD + touch. At the right, the
chassis. Now, to assembly the unit back together, follow the steps backwards.