Richtige Fernseher haben Röhren!

Richtige Fernseher haben Röhren!

In Brief: On this site you will find pictures and technical information about Service Modes, Circuit Diagrams, Firmware Update procedure, Disassemble procedure, Universal remote control set-up codes, Troubleshooting and more....

If you go into the profession, you will obtain or have access to a variety of tech tips databases HERE IT IS Master Electronics Repair !.

These are an excellent investment where the saying: 'time-is-money' rules. However, to learn, you need to develop a general troubleshooting approach - a logical, methodical, method of narrowing down the problem. A tech tip database might suggest: 'Replace C536' for a particular symptom. This is good advice for a specific problem on one model. However, what you really want to understand is why C536 was the cause and how to pinpoint the culprit in general even if you don't have a service manual or schematic and your tech tip database doesn't have an entry for your sick TV or VCR.

While schematics are nice, you won't always have them or be able to justify the purchase for a one-of repair. Therefore, in many cases, some reverse engineering will be necessary. The time will be well spent since even if you don't see another instance of the same model in your entire lifetime, you will have learned something in the process that can be applied to other equipment problems.
As always, when you get stuck, checking out a tech-tips database may quickly identify your problem and solution.In that case, you can greatly simplify your troubleshooting or at least confirm a diagnosis before ordering parts.

Happy repairing!
Today, the West is headed for the abyss. For the ultimate fate of our disposable society is for that society itself to be disposed of. And this will happen sooner, rather than later.

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Note that if you don't find what you searched for, try it after a period of time; the site is a never ending job !

..............The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of todays funny gadgets low price has faded from memory........ . . . . . .....
Don't forget the past, the end of the world is upon us! Pretty soon it will all turn to dust!

©2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Frank Sharp - You do not have permission to copy photos and words from this blog, and any content may be never used it for auctions or commercial purposes, however feel free to post anything you see here with a courtesy link back, btw a link to the original post here , is mandatory.
All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use. NOTHING HERE IS FOR SALE !

Saturday, 9 February 2019




888 ................................ 10264
A-Mark .......................... 10003
Abex.............................. 10032
Action............................ 10650
Acura............................. 10009
Addison......................... 10092, 10108, 10653, 11150
Admiral .......................... 10093, 10463, 10163
Advent........................... 10761, 10783, 10815, 10817, 10842, 11933
Adventura...................... 10046
Adyson .......................... 10032, 10217
Aiko ............................... 10092
Aiwa .............................. 11180, 11904, 11910, 11911, 11914, 11976, 11978
Akai ............................... 10812, 10702, 10030, 10009, 10208, 10264, 10361, 10602, 10672, 10696, 11385, 11537, 11675, 11676, 11903
Akura............................. 10264, 11498, 11687
Alaron............................ 10179
Alba ............................... 10009, 10037, 10371, 10668
Albatron......................... 10700, 10843
Alfide ............................. 10672
Ambassador.................. 10177
America Action.............. 10180
Amplivision.................... 10217
Ampro ........................... 10751
Amstrad......................... 10171, 10009, 10037, 10177, 10371, 10433
Anam............................. 10250, 10180, 10003, 10009, 10161, 10628, 10700
Anam National............... 10250, 10055, 10161, 10650
Anhua............................ 10051
Anitech .......................... 10009
AOC............................... 10451, 10093, 10180, 10060, 10178, 10030, 10092, 11590, 11365, 11150, 10628, 10474, 10185, 10179, 10108, 10052, 10019, 10018, 10009, 10003
Aolinpike ....................... 10264
Apex Digital ................... 10748, 10879, 10765, 10767, 10890, 11217, 11943
Arcam............................ 10217
Archer............................ 10003
Astar.............................. 11531, 11548
Audinac ......................... 10180, 10391
Audiosonic .................... 10037, 10109
Audiovox ....................... 10451, 10180, 10092, 10003, 10623, 10802, 10875, 11937
Aventura ........................ 10171
Awa ............................... 10009, 10157
Axion ............................. 11937
Baihe ............................. 10009, 10264
Baile .............................. 10009, 10391, 10661
Baird.............................. 10343
Bang & Olufsen ............. 10565, 11620
Baohuashi ..................... 10264
Baosheng ...................... 10009, 10817
Barco............................. 10556
Basic Line...................... 10009
Baur............................... 10037, 10361, 10512, 10554
Baysonic........................ 10180
Beaumark...................... 10178
Beijing ........................... 10812, 10009, 10208, 10226, 10264, 10391, 10661, 10817
Beko .............................. 10370, 10486, 10714
Belcor ............................ 10019
Bell & Howell ................. 10154, 10016
BenQ ............................. 11032, 11315, 11562
Beon.............................. 10037
Binatone ........................ 10217
Blaupunkt ...................... 10195, 10554
Blue Sky ........................ 10556, 10668, 11037, 11254, 11314
Boots............................. 10217
BPL................................ 10208
Bradford ........................ 10180
Brandt ........................... 10109, 10335
Brockwood.................... 10019
Broksonic ...................... 10236, 10463, 10003, 11911, 11929, 11938
Bush .............................. 10009, 10037, 10371, 10668, 10698, 11037, 11556, 11900
Byd:sign ........................ 11309, 11311, 11485, 11486
Caihong......................... 10009, 10817
Cailing ........................... 10748
Candle........................... 10030, 10046, 10056, 10186
Carnivale ....................... 10030
Carver............................ 10054, 10170
Cascade ........................ 10009
Cathay........................... 10037
CCE............................... 10037, 10217
Celebrity ........................ 10000
Celera ............................ 10765
Celestial......................... 10767
Centrex.......................... 10780, 10826
Centurion....................... 10037
CGE............................... 10074
Changcheng.................. 10051, 10009, 10264, 10391, 10661, 10817
Changfei ........................ 10009, 10817
Changfeng..................... 10264, 10696, 10817
Changhai ....................... 10009, 10817
Changhong.................... 10156, 10765, 10009, 10264, 10508, 10767, 10783, 10817, 11156, 11910
Chengdu........................ 10009, 10817
Ching Tai ....................... 10092, 10003, 10009, 10179, 10474
Chun Yun....................... 10000, 10180, 10092, 10003, 10009, 10033, 10161, 10179, 10474, 10700, 10843, 11150.
Chunfeng....................... 10009, 10264
Chung Hsin.................... 10180, 10053, 10033, 10108, 10474, 11150
Chunsun ........................ 10009, 10817
Cimline .......................... 10009
Cinema .......................... 10672
Cineral ........................... 10451, 10092
Cinex ............................. 11556
Citizen............................ 10060, 10030, 10092, 10039, 10046, 10056, 10186, 10280,11928
Clairtone ........................ 10185
Clarion ........................... 10180
Clarivox ......................... 10037
Clatronic ........................ 10370
Commercial Solutions ... 11447, 10047
Concerto........................ 10056
Condor .......................... 10370
Conia ............................. 11498, 11687
Conrac........................... 10808
Conrowa........................ 10156, 10145, 10009, 10264, 10696, 10698, 11156
Contec........................... 10180, 10009, 10157, 10185
Craig.............................. 10180, 10161
Crosley .......................... 10054, 10074
Crown............................ 10180, 10009, 10037, 10039, 10370, 10418, 10672
Crown Mustang............. 10672
Curtis Mathes ................ 10047, 10054, 10154, 10451, 10093, 10060, 10702, 10030, 10145, 10166, 11919, 11347, 11147, 10466, 10056, 10039, 10016
CXC............................... 10180
Cytron............................ 11326
Daewoo ......................... 10154, 10451, 10180, 10178, 10030, 10092, 11661, 10623, 10627, 10628, 10634, 10661, 10672, 10700, 10880, 11150, 11909, 11928, 10499, 10474, 10391, 10170, 10108, 10056, 10039, 10037, 10032, 10019, 10009, 10003.
Dansai ........................... 10037
Dayton ........................... 10009
Daytron.......................... 10019
Dayu .............................. 10391, 10661
De Graaf ........................ 10208, 10548
Decca ............................ 10037
Dell ................................ 11080, 11178, 11264
Delta .............................. 11369
Denon............................ 10145, 10511, 10576
Denstar .......................... 10628
Denver ........................... 10587
Dick Smith Electronics .. 10698, 11556
Digatron......................... 10037
Digital Life...................... 10780, 10872
Digitor ............................ 10037, 10698
Digix Media.................... 10880
Dixi ................................ 10009, 10037
DMTech ......................... 11964
Dongda.......................... 10009
Donghai ......................... 10009
DSE ............................... 10698, 11556
Dual Tec ........................ 10217
Dumont ......................... 10017, 10019
Durabrand ..................... 10463, 10180, 10178, 10171, 11034, 10003
Dwin .............................. 10720, 10774
ECE ............................... 10037
Ectec ............................. 10391
Electroband................... 10000, 10185
Electrograph.................. 11755
Electrohome.................. 10463, 10381
Elektra ........................... 10017, 11661
Elfunk ............................ 11208
Elin ................................ 10037, 10548
Elta ................................ 10009
Emerson........................ 10154, 10236, 10463, 10180, 10178, 10171, 11944, 11929, 11928, 11913, 11911, 11909, 11394, 10623, 10361, 10280, 10185, 10179, 10177, 10039, 10038, 10019
Envision......................... 10030, 10813, 11365
Epson ............................ 10833, 10840, 11290, 11322, 11379
Erres.............................. 10012, 10037
ESA ............................... 10812, 10171, 11944
Ether.............................. 10030, 10003, 10009, 10161
Etron.............................. 10009
Feilang........................... 10009
Feilu............................... 10009, 10817
Feiyan............................ 10264
Feiyue............................ 10009, 10817
Ferguson ....................... 10037, 10109, 10287, 10335, 10343, 10560
Fidelity........................... 10361
Finlandia........................ 10208, 10346
Finlux............................. 10037, 10179, 10346
Firstar ............................ 10236, 10009, 10033
Firstline.......................... 10009, 10217, 10668
Fisher ............................ 10154, 10159, 10208, 10217, 10370
Flint ............................... 10455
Formenti ........................ 10037
Fortress ......................... 10093
Frontech ........................ 10163, 10264
Fujimaro ........................ 11498, 11687
Fujitsu............................ 10179, 10186, 10683, 10809, 11181, 11607
Fujitsu General .............. 10186
Fujitsu Siemens............. 11163, 11298
Funai ............................. 10180, 10171, 10179, 10264, 10342, 11271, 11904, 11913, 11977
Furi ................................ 10145, 10264, 10817
Futuretech ..................... 10180
Ganxin........................... 10817
Gateway ........................ 11755, 11756
GE ................................. 11447, 10047, 11454, 10051, 10451, 10180, 10178, 10030, 10092, 11922, 11919, 11917, 11347, 10560, 10135, 10055, 10027, 10021
GEC............................... 10037, 10217
Geloso........................... 10009
General.......................... 10186
Genexxa ........................ 10163
Gericom......................... 11298
Gibralter......................... 10017, 10030, 10019
Gintai ............................. 10474, 11150
Go Video ....................... 10886
GoldStar ........................ 10154, 10178, 10030, 10019, 10032, 10037, 10039, 10056, 10109, 10217, 11150, 11378, 11910, 11926
Goodmans..................... 10037, 10179, 10217, 10343, 10360, 10371, 10499, 10634, 10880, 11900, 11909
Gorenje.......................... 10370
Gradiente....................... 10053, 10056, 10170
Graetz............................ 10163, 10361, 10714
Granada ........................ 10037, 10146, 10208, 10217
Grandin.......................... 10610, 10865, 10880
Grundig ......................... 10706, 10037, 10195, 10487, 10554, 10556, 10587, 10672
Grunpy .......................... 10180, 10179
Haier.............................. 11034, 10037, 10508, 10587, 10698, 10768
Haihong......................... 10009
Haiyan ........................... 10264, 10817
Hallmark ........................ 10178
Hankook........................ 10180, 10178, 10030, 10019, 10056, 10628
Hannspree..................... 11348, 11351, 11352
Hanseatic ...................... 10037, 10361, 10556, 10661, 10808
Harley Davidson ............ 10179, 11904
Harman/Kardon............. 10054
Harvard.......................... 10180
Harwa ............................ 10773, 11196
Havermy ........................ 10093
HCM.............................. 10009
Helios ............................ 10865
Hello Kitty ...................... 10451
Hewlett Packard............ 11088, 11089, 11494, 11502, 11642
Himitsu .......................... 10180, 10628
Hinari ............................. 10009, 10037, 10179
Hisawa........................... 10455
Hisense ......................... 10156, 10748, 10145, 10009, 10508, 10556, 10696, 10780, 11156, 11208, 11363
Hitachi ........................... 11256, 10156, 10178, 10030, 11145, 10145, 10092, 10508, 10548, 10576, 10578, 10797, 11037, 11045, 11149, 11150, 11156, 11225, 11245, 11378, 11445, 11576, 11691, 11904, 11972, 10009, 10016, 10019, 10027, 10032, 10038, 10039, 10044, 10056, 10109, 10151, 10157, 10163, 10165, 10179, 10186, 10217, 10225, 10381, 10474, 10481
Hitec .............................. 10698
Hoeher........................... 10865
Hongmei ........................ 10093, 10009, 10264, 10817, 11910
Hongyan........................ 10264, 10817
HP ................................. 11088, 11089, 11494, 11502, 11642
Hua Tun ......................... 10009, 11150
Huafa............................. 10145, 10009
Huanghaimei ................. 10009
Huanghe........................ 10009, 10817
Huanglong..................... 10009
Huangshan .................... 10009, 10264, 10817
Huanyu .......................... 10264, 10817, 11910
Huaqiang ....................... 10264
Huari .............................. 10145, 10264
Huodateji ....................... 10051
Hypson .......................... 10037, 10264
Hyundai ......................... 10849, 10865
ICE................................. 10217, 10264, 10371
Iiyama ............................ 10890
iLo.................................. 11603, 11684
Imperial.......................... 10074, 10370, 10418
Imperial Crown .............. 10009, 10264, 10391, 10661
Indiana........................... 10037
Infinity ............................ 10054
Ingelen........................... 10163
Initial .............................. 11603
Innova............................ 10037
Insignia .......................... 10171, 11204, 11326, 11517, 11564, 11641, 12002
Inteq .............................. 10017
Interfunk ........................ 10037, 10163, 10361, 10512
Intervision ...................... 10037, 10217, 10264
IRT ................................. 10451, 11661, 10628, 10698
ITS ................................. 10371
ITT ................................. 10163, 10361, 10548
IX ................................... 10877
Janeil ............................. 10046
JBL ................................ 10054
JCB................................ 10000
Jean............................... 10156, 10051, 10236, 10092, 10003, 10009, 10179, 10474
Jensen........................... 10761, 10815, 10817, 11933
Jiahua ............................ 10051
JiaLiCai.......................... 10009, 10264
Jinfeng........................... 10051, 10208, 10226, 10817
Jinhai ............................. 11910
Jinque............................ 10009, 10264, 10817
Jinta............................... 10009, 10264, 11910
Jinxing ........................... 10054, 10156, 10145, 10009, 10037, 10264, 10556, 10698, 10817
Juhua............................. 10264, 10817
JVC................................ 10463, 10053, 10160, 10371, 10508, 10606, 10653, 10683, 10731, 11172, 11253, 11428, 11923, 11973
Kaige ............................. 10009, 10264, 10817
Kaisui............................. 10009, 10217
Kangchong .................... 11910
Kangli ............................ 10009, 10264, 10391, 10661, 10817
Kangyi ........................... 10009, 10264
Kapsch .......................... 10163
Karcher .......................... 10610
Kathrein ......................... 10556
Kaypani ......................... 10052
KDS ............................... 11498, 11687
KEC............................... 10180
Kendo............................ 10037
Kenwood....................... 10030, 10019
Khind............................. 10706
Kioto.............................. 10054, 10706, 10556
KLH ............................... 10765, 10767
KLL................................ 10037
Kloss ............................. 10024, 10046
Kolin .............................. 10180, 10150, 10053, 10033, 10108, 10474, 11150, 11331
Kongque........................ 10009, 10264, 10817
Konka............................ 10037, 10587, 10628, 10632, 10638, 10703, 10707, 10817, 11385
Korpel............................ 10037
Kost............................... 11262
Koyoda.......................... 10009
KTV................................ 10180, 10030, 10039, 10185, 10217, 10280
Kuaile ............................ 10009, 10264
Kulun ............................. 10009
Kunlun ........................... 10051, 10208, 10226, 10264, 10661, 10817
L&S Electronic............... 10808
Lexsor ........................... 11196
Leyco ............................ 10037, 10264
LG ................................. 10060, 10178, 10030, 11758, 11637, 11423, 11378, 11325, 11178, 10856, 10829, 10714, 10700, 10644, 10474, 10442, 10108, 10056, 10038, 10037, 10032, 10019, 10003, 10061
Liesenk & Tter ............... 10037
Lihua ............................. 10817
Lloyd's........................... 11904
Lloytron ......................... 10032
Local India TV ............... 10009, 10208, 10264, 10371, 10602
Local Malaysia TV ......... 10698
Loewe............................ 10136, 10512, 10633, 10790
Logik ............................. 10016, 11217
Longjiang ...................... 10264, 10817
Luxman ......................... 10056
Luxor ............................. 10361
LXI ................................. 10047, 10054, 10154, 10156, 10178
M & S ............................ 10054
M Electronic .................. 10009, 10037, 10109, 10163, 10217, 10287, 10346, 10480
MAG.............................. 11498, 11687
Magnasonic................... 11913, 11928
Magnavox ..................... 11454, 10054, 10030, 10706, 11944, 11931, 11913, 11904, 11525, 11365, 11254, 11198, 10802, 10780, 10386, 10187, 10186, 10179, 10096, 10024, 10020
Majestic......................... 10016
Manesth ........................ 10217, 10264
Marantz ......................... 10054, 10030, 10037, 10556, 10704, 10854, 10855, 11154, 11398
Mark .............................. 10037
Maruman....................... 10391, 10627
Mastro ........................... 10053, 10706, 10698, 10780
Matsui............................ 10009, 10035, 10037, 10177, 10208, 10217, 10371, 10443, 10487
Matsushita..................... 10250, 10161, 10650
Maxent .......................... 10762, 11211, 11714, 11755, 11757
Meck ............................. 10698
Mediator ........................ 10012, 10037
Medion .......................... 10668, 10808, 10880, 11037, 11248
Megapower ................... 10700
Megatron....................... 10178, 10145, 10003
MEI ................................ 10185
Meile.............................. 10264, 10817, 11910
Memorex ....................... 10154, 10463, 10150, 10178, 10009, 10016, 10179, 10877, 11037, 11911, 11926
Mermaid ........................ 10037
Metronic ........................ 10625
Metz .............................. 10367, 10388, 10447, 10746
MGA .............................. 10150, 10178, 10030, 10019
Micromaxx..................... 10808
Microstar ....................... 10808
Midland ......................... 10047, 10017, 10051, 10032, 10039, 10135
Minerva.......................... 10487, 10554
Mintek ........................... 11603
Minutz............................ 10021
Mirror............................. 11900
Mitsubishi ...................... 10154, 10250, 10093, 10236, 10180, 11250, 10150, 10178, 10030, 11917, 11182, 11171, 11150, 10868, 10836, 10817, 10512, 10474, 10381, 10179, 10108, 10056, 10033, 10019
Monivision ..................... 10700, 10843
Motorola ........................ 10093, 10055
MTC............................... 10060, 10030, 10019, 10056, 10185, 10512
Mudan ........................... 10051, 10009, 10208, 10226, 10264, 10817
Multitech ....................... 10180, 10009, 10217
Murphy .......................... 10474
Mx Onda........................ 11498, 11687
Myryad .......................... 10556
NAD............................... 10156, 10178, 10037, 10056, 10361, 10866, 11156.
Nanbao.......................... 10009, 10264, 11910
Nansheng ...................... 10264, 10817
National ......................... 10051, 10208, 10226, 10508
NEC............................... 10154, 10156, 10051, 10053, 10178, 10030, 10474, 10497, 10508, 10704, 10817, 10882, 11150, 11378, 11398, 11456, 11704, 10455, 10381, 10264, 10217, 10186, 10170, 10165, 10056, 10046, 10019, 10009
Neckermann.................. 10037, 10554, 10556
NEI................................. 10037
Neovia ........................... 10865, 11964
Nesco ............................ 10179
Netsat............................ 10037
NetTV ............................ 10762, 11755
Newave.......................... 10093, 10178, 10092, 10009, 10161, 11150
Nikkai............................. 10032, 10035, 10037, 10264
Nikko ............................. 10178, 10030, 10092
Nikon ............................. 11910
Nisato ............................ 10391
Noblex ........................... 10154
Nokia ............................. 10361, 10480, 10548, 10606
Norcent.......................... 10748, 10824, 11089, 11365, 11590
Nordmende ................... 10109, 10287, 10343, 10560
Northern Star................. 11206
Noshi ............................. 10018
NTC ............................... 10092
Oceanic ......................... 10163, 10361
Olevia ............................ 11144, 11240, 11331, 11610
Onida............................. 10053, 11253
Onking ........................... 10280
Onwa ............................. 10180, 10433
Optimus......................... 10154, 10250, 10166, 10650, 11913
Optoma ......................... 10887
Optonica........................ 10093, 10165
Orion.............................. 10236, 10463, 11463, 10037, 10177, 10179, 10443, 10474, 10880, 11911, 11929
Osaki ............................. 10032, 10217, 10264, 10474
Osume........................... 10032, 10157
Otic................................ 11498, 11687
Otto Versand ................. 10037, 10217, 10343, 10512, 10554, 10556

Palladium....................... 10370, 10418
Palsonic......................... 10773, 11196, 11326
Panama ......................... 10217, 10264
Panasonic...................... 10054, 10250, 10051, 11969, 11968, 11947, 11946, 11941, 11919, 11650, 11480, 11410, 11335, 11310, 11291, 11177, 11175, 11168, 10650, 10508, 10367, 10226, 10208, 10163, 10161, 10055, 10037
Panda ............................ 10051, 10706, 10009, 10208, 10226, 10264, 10508, 10698, 10780, 10817, 10826, 11910
Pausa ............................ 10009
Penney .......................... 10047, 10156, 10051, 10060, 10178, 10030, 11926, 11919, 11378, 11347, 10135, 10039, 10032, 10027, 10021, 10019, 10018, 10003
Petters ........................... 11523
Phase ............................ 10032
Philco............................. 10054, 10463, 10180, 10178, 10030, 10145, 11661, 11911, 10774, 10628, 10474, 10186, 10096, 10074, 10056, 10037, 10032, 10020, 10019
Philips............................ 11454, 10054, 10000, 10051, 10178, 10030, 10092, 11455, 11154, 10774, 10690, 10556, 10554, 10474, 10187, 10186, 10108, 10056, 10037, 10032, 10024, 10020, 10019, 10012

Phonola ......................... 10012, 10037
Pilot ............................... 10030, 10706, 10019, 10039
Pioneer.......................... 10166, 10038, 10109, 10163, 10287, 10423, 10679, 10760, 10866, 11260, 11398, 11457
Polaroid ......................... 10765, 12002, 11992, 11991, 11687, 11523, 11498, 11385, 11341, 11328, 11327, 11326, 11316, 11314, 11276, 11262, 10865
Portland......................... 10092, 10019, 10039
Prima............................. 10761, 10783, 10815, 10817, 11933
Princess ........................ 11326
Princeton....................... 10700, 10717
Prism............................. 10051
Profex............................ 10009, 10361
Profilo ............................ 11556
Proscan ......................... 11447, 10047, 11347, 11922
Protech.......................... 10009, 10037, 10217, 10264, 10418, 10668
Proton ........................... 10178, 10030, 10003,10009, 10039, 10052, 10056, 10466, 10474, 10644, 11092
Proview ......................... 11498, 11687
Pulsar ............................ 10017, 10019
Pye ................................ 10012, 10037
Qingdao ........................ 10051, 10208, 10226, 10264, 10817
Quasar........................... 10250, 10051, 10055, 10165, 10650, 11919
Quelle ............................ 10037, 10074, 10361, 10512, 10554
R-Line............................ 10037
Radiola .......................... 10012, 10037
RadioShack................... 10047, 10154, 10180, 10178, 10030, 10019, 10032, 10039, 10056, 10165, 11904
RCA............................... 11447, 10047, 11454, 10000, 10060, 10178, 10030, 10092, 12002, 11948, 11922, 11919, 11917, 11547, 11347, 11247, 11147, 11047, 10679, 10618, 10135, 10090, 10038, 10019, 10018
Realistic......................... 10154, 10180, 10178, 10030, 10019, 10032, 10039, 10056, 10165
Rediffusion .................... 10361
Relisys........................... 10865, 10877, 10878, 11206, 11211
Reoc.............................. 10714
Revox ............................ 10037
Rex ................................ 10163, 10264
Rhapsody...................... 10185
Roadstar........................ 10009, 10264, 10418
Rowa............................. 10748, 10009, 10037, 10698, 10712, 10817
Runco............................ 10017, 10030, 10497, 10603, 11398
Ruyi ............................... 10817
Saba.............................. 10109, 10163, 10287, 10335, 10343
Sagem........................... 10610
Saige ............................. 10009, 10817
Saisho ........................... 10009, 10033, 10177, 10264
Salora ............................ 10163, 10361, 10548
Sampo........................... 10154, 10093, 10178, 10030, 10171, 10092, 10009, 10032, 10039, 10052, 10474, 10650, 10700, 10762, 11755
Samsung ....................... 10154, 10156, 10060, 10812, 10702, 10178, 10030, 10092, 10618, 10644, 10766, 10774, 10814, 10817, 11060, 11150, 11235, 11249, 11312, 11619, 11630, 11903, 10587, 10556, 10474, 10370, 10264, 10226, 10217, 10208, 10179, 10090, 10056, 10039, 10037, 10032, 10019, 10009.
Samsux ......................... 10039
Sanjian........................... 10264
Sansei............................ 10451
Sansui ........................... 10463, 10706, 11531, 11904, 11911, 11929
Sanyo ............................ 10154, 10156, 10180, 10145, 11975, 11974, 11276, 11208, 11179, 11154, 11150, 11142, 10893, 10799, 10798, 10508, 10474, 10424, 10381, 10376, 10280, 10264, 10208, 10159, 10157, 10146, 10088
Sanyuan ........................ 10093, 10009, 10817
SBR............................... 10012, 10037
Sceptre.......................... 10878, 11217, 11360, 11599
Schaub Lorenz .............. 10361
Schneider ...................... 10037, 10371, 10394, 10668, 11137, 11904
Scimitsu ........................ 10019
Scotch........................... 10178
Scott.............................. 10236, 10180, 10178, 10019, 10179
Sears ............................. 10047, 10054, 10154, 10156, 10178, 10171, 10056, 10146, 10159, 10179, 11904, 11926
SEG ............................... 10217, 10264, 10668, 11037, 11163
SEI................................. 10177
Seleco ........................... 10163
Semivox ........................ 10180
Semp............................. 10156, 11356
Sentra............................ 10035
Shancha ........................ 10264, 10817
Shanghai ....................... 10009, 10208, 10226, 10264, 10817, 11910
Shaofeng....................... 10145, 10817
Sharp............................. 10093, 10030, 11917, 11602, 11393, 11193, 11165, 10851, 10818, 10787, 10720, 10689, 10688, 10650, 10491, 10474, 10386, 10256, 10165, 10157, 10039, 10032, 10009
Shen Ying ...................... 10092, 10003, 10009, 10179, 10474
Shencai ......................... 10145, 10009, 10264
Sheng Chia.................... 10093, 10236, 10009, 10033, 10179, 10474, 11150
Shenyang ...................... 10009, 10264, 10696, 10817
Sherwood...................... 10009
Shogun.......................... 10019
Siemens ........................ 10037, 10157, 10195, 10554
Signature ....................... 10016
Signet ............................ 11262
Simpson ........................ 10186, 10187
Sinudyne ....................... 10177
SKY ............................... 10037
Sky Brazil....................... 10880
Skygiant......................... 10180
Skysonic........................ 10696
Skyworth ....................... 10748, 10009, 10037, 10264, 10696, 10698, 10817
Sliding............................ 10865, 10880
Solavox.......................... 10032, 10163
Songba.......................... 10009
Sonitron......................... 10208
Sonoko .......................... 10009, 10037
Sonolor .......................... 10163, 10208
Sontec ........................... 10037
Sony .............................. 11100, 10000, 11967, 11966, 11965, 11925, 11904, 11751, 11685, 11651, 11505, 11317, 11300, 11167, 10834, 10810, 10650, 10353, 10111, 10080
Soundesign ................... 10180, 10178, 10179, 10186
Soundwave.................... 10037, 10418
Sowa ............................. 10156, 10051, 10060, 10178, 10092, 10226, 10474, 11150
Spectricon ..................... 10003
Spectroniq..................... 11498, 11687
Squareview.................... 10171
SSS ............................... 10180, 10019
Standard........................ 10009, 10217
Starlite ........................... 10180
Stern.............................. 10163
Studio Experience ......... 10843
Sunkai............................ 10865
Superscan ..................... 10093, 10864
Supra............................. 10056
Supre-Macy................... 10046
Supreme........................ 10000
Susumu ......................... 10474
SVA................................ 10748, 10587, 10768, 10865, 10870, 10871, 10872
Swisstec ........................ 10880
Sylvania ......................... 10054, 10030, 10171, 10020, 10096, 10381, 11271, 11314, 11394, 11931, 11944
Symphonic .................... 10180, 10171, 11904, 11913, 11944
Synco ............................ 10000, 10451, 10093, 10060, 10178, 10092, 10474
Syntax ........................... 11144, 11240, 11331, 11610
Sysline ........................... 10037
T+A................................ 10447
Tacico ............................ 10178, 10092, 10009, 10179, 10474, 11150
Tai Yi .............................. 10009, 11150
Taishan .......................... 10009, 10391, 10817
Tandy ............................. 10093, 10039, 10163, 10217
Tashiko .......................... 10092, 10033, 10217, 10650, 11150
Tatung............................ 10054, 10154, 10156, 10051, 10060, 10003, 10009, 10037, 10055. 10217, 10474, 11150, 11156, 11254, 11556, 11756.

TCC............................... 10826
TCL................................ 10706, 10698, 10826, 11537
TCM .............................. 10808
Teac............................... 10706, 10009, 10037, 10264, 10418, 10455, 10698, 10712, 11037, 11149, 11363, 11755, 11904, 11909, 11913
Tec................................. 10217
Technics ........................ 10250, 10051, 10650
Technisson .................... 10714
Technol Ace................... 10179
Techview ....................... 10847
Techwood...................... 10051, 10003, 10056, 11163
Teco............................... 10051, 10093, 10178, 10092, 10009, 10264, 10280, 10474, 10653
Teknika .......................... 10054, 10180, 10150, 10060, 10092, 10016, 10019, 10039, 10056, 10179, 10186
Teleavia ......................... 10343
Telefunken ..................... 10702, 10056, 10074, 10109, 10335, 10343, 10625
Teletech......................... 10009
Teleton........................... 10186, 10217
Tera ............................... 10030, 10092, 10466, 10474
Tevion............................ 10767, 11498, 11687
Texla .............................. 10780
Thomas ......................... 11904
Thomson ....................... 11447, 10109, 10287, 10343, 10560, 10625
Thorn............................. 10035, 10037, 10074, 10343, 10361, 10499, 10512
Thorn-Ferguson ............ 10343
Tiane ............................. 10093, 10817
TMK............................... 10178, 10056, 10177
TNCi .............................. 10017
Tobo .............................. 10748, 10009, 10264
Tongguang .................... 10264
Tongtel........................... 10780
Tophouse....................... 10180
Toshiba.......................... 10154, 11256, 10156, 10093, 10060, 10145, 11306, 11325, 11343, 11356, 11369, 11456, 11508, 11524, 11635, 11656, 11704, 11918, 11936, 11945, 11970, 11971, 10009, 10035, 10161, 10264, 10381, 10508, 10509, 10618, 10644, 10650, 10718, 10832, 10845, 11150, 11156, 11169, 11173
Tosonic.......................... 10185
Totevision ...................... 10039
Transonic....................... 10587, 10698, 10712
Trical.............................. 10157
Trio ................................ 11498, 11687
Triumph ......................... 10177
Tuntex............................ 10030, 10092, 10009, 10474
TVS................................ 10463
Ultra............................... 10391
Universal ....................... 10027
Universum..................... 10037, 10074, 10264, 10346, 10370, 10474
V7 Videoseven............... 11755
Vector Research............ 10030
Vestel............................. 10037
Victor ............................. 10250, 10053, 10160, 10376, 10650, 10653, 11428
Videocon ....................... 10037, 10508
Videotechnic.................. 10217
Vidikron ......................... 10054, 11398
Vidtech .......................... 10178, 10019
Viewsonic ...................... 10797, 10857, 10864, 10885, 11330, 11578, 11627, 11640, 11755
Viking............................. 10046
Viore .............................. 11684
Vizio............................... 10864, 10885, 11499, 11756, 11758
Voxson........................... 10178, 10163
Waltham ........................ 10217
Wards ............................ 10054, 10178, 10030, 10016, 10019, 10020, 10021, 10027, 10056, 10080, 10096, 10111, 10165, 10179, 10866, 11156.
Warumaia ...................... 10391, 10661
Watson .......................... 10037
Waycon ......................... 10156
Weipai............................ 10009
Westinghouse................ 10003, 10885, 10889, 10890, 11092, 11282, 11577
Wharfedale .................... 11556
White Westinghouse ------ 10463, 10037, 10186, 10623, 11909
World-of-Vision.............. 10890
Wyse ............................. 11365
Xenius............................ 10661
Xiahua ........................... 10009, 10264, 10698, 10773, 10817
Xianghai......................... 10009
Xiangyang...................... 10264
Xiangyu.......................... 10009
Xihu ............................... 10264, 10817
Xingfu ............................ 10009
Xinghai........................... 10264
Xinrisong ....................... 11910
XLogic ........................... 10860
Xoro............................... 11196, 11217
Xuelian........................... 11910
Yamaha ......................... 10030, 10019, 10769, 10797, 10833, 10838, 10839
Yapshe........................... 10250
Yingge ........................... 10009
Yoko .............................. 10037, 10217, 10264
Yongbao ........................ 11910
Yonggu .......................... 10009
Youlanasi ....................... 10817
Yousida.......................... 10009, 11910
Yuhang .......................... 10009
Zenith ............................ 10017, 10463, 10178, 10092, 10016, 11904, 11909, 11911, 11929
ZhuHai........................... 10009
Zonda ............................ 10003, 10698