Model: 32PHH4309 / 60
Chassis / Version: TPM14.1E LA
Panel: TPT315B5-XVN02 REV S901A. code 032
LED driver (backlight): integrated into PSU
PWM LED driver: PF7903BS
Power Supply (PSU): 715G6197-P01-003-002H
PWM Power: PF6200S, FAN7530 (PFC), ICE3BR1765J, FSFR1800US
MOSFET Power: STD432S, 2SK3569
MainBoard: 715G6092-M0H-000-004X
IC MainBoard: MT5580PUEI, 24C128, NC / TC58NVG2S3ETAI0, THGBMAG5A1JBAIR, TAS5760LD
Tuner: ST03CS-2-E
Specifications 32PHH4309
General repair guidelines for TV LCD LED
Repair and diagnostics of any electronic device, in particular PHILIPS 32PHH4309 / 60, it is advisable to start with a careful external examination of internal and external elements. It often happens that visible damage to elements or connections helps determine the direction of the troubleshooting. Elements with visible damage, for example, capacitors swelled up after boiling the electrolyte, charred resistors in certain nodes of the circuit, as well as ring cracks in solders will help the master to guess the causes and possible consequences of the malfunction.
Faults in the 715G6197-P01-003-002H power supply module can be expressed in different ways, for example, PHILIPS 32PHH4309 does not turn on at all and the control lamps on its front panel do not light up and do not blink, and there are no signs of operability. It should be noted that with the same external manifestations, the processor power regulator (converter) may be faulty. It is advisable to start the troubleshooting of the power supply module by checking the state of the electrolytic capacitors of the rectifier filters and the mains fuse. Defective capacitors should be replaced. If the mains fuse is broken, it is necessary to check first of all the power semiconductor elements - rectifier diodes and transistors, which are often found in such a state of breakdown.
It should be remembered that in the practice of repair, usually the power switches in switching power supplies (SMPS) do not fail due to their poor quality and, in such cases, it is necessary to look for the cause that led to a malfunction and provoked a breakdown of the key. Most often, the culprits of the accident are dried electrolytic capacitors or dangling resistors in the primary circuit, or the PWM controller chip itself may be faulty. It is also necessary to check all the semiconductor elements of the stabilization circuit in the primary and secondary circuits.
If the PHILIPS 32PHH4309 has no image, there is sound and the channels are switched, there is a possibility of a malfunction in the backlight LED circuit of the TPT315B5-XVN02 REV S901A panel. code 032, or their power converter - LED driver. Sometimes when you turn on the image appears and disappears immediately. In such cases, it is necessary to check the electrolytic capacitors of the power filter of the LED driver itself, including in the secondary rectifier of the main PSU.
A malfunction in the backlight circuits often occurs due to an open in the power circuit of the LED lines. It is necessary to disassemble the panel and check the LEDs themselves, the soldering of their conclusions, as well as the reliability of the connections in the connectors and the soldering of the conclusions of the connectors.
To check the LED lines for breaks without disassembling the panel, for example, a current source will help. It is impossible to open series-connected PN junctions with a simple multimeter, a voltage of the order of several tens of volts is required.
Repair of the motherboard 715G6092-M0H-000-004X must begin with the diagnosis and verification of all linear stabilizers or power converters of its microcircuits. Sometimes it may be necessary to update the software (software) - flashing FLASH or EEPROM.
Attention to the owners! Attempts at self-repair of the PHILIPS 32PHH4309 TV are not recommended by the manufacturer and can lead to serious negative consequences!
Service manual and schematic diagram 32PHH4309/60 Chassis TPM14.1E LA

PSU Advanced
According to the conditions of compliance with modern world standards for household switching power supplies, the 715G6197-P01-003-002H module provides for the use of the Power Factor Correction unit. The PFC circuit is a flyback converter based on the FAN7530 PWM controller. The reactance of an electrolytic capacitor of a line filter at a frequency of 50-60 Hz is usually not more than 20-30 ohms and its charge directly from the network through open diodes could reach tens of amperes per pulse if no filtering were applied.
As a result of the PFC conversion, an increased voltage on the capacitor (about 380V) cannot directly open the rectifier diodes, on the anode of which the voltage will always be slightly less (about 300V) and then its charging current will always be limited by the elements of the PWM controller. As a result, the envelope of the high-frequency pulses of the consumed current will repeat the shape and phase of the input sinusoidal voltage. The presence of an increased voltage (+ 380V) on the network capacitor indicates the serviceability of the PFC node.
The appearance of the power supply
Main features of the PHILIPS 32PHH4309 device:
Installed matrix (LED-panel) TPT315B5-XVN02 REV S901A. code 032.
To power the backlight LEDs, a converter is used, combined with a power supply, controlled by the PF7903BS PWM controller.
The necessary supply voltages for all nodes of the PHILIPS 32PHH4309 television are generated by the 715G6197-P01-003-002H power supply module or its analogs using PF6200S, FAN7530 (PFC), ICE3BR1765J, FSFR1800US microchips and power switches of the STD432S, 2SK3569 type.
MainBoard - the main board (motherboard) is a module 715G6092-M0H-000-004X, using chips MT5580PUEI, 24C128, NC / TC58NVG2S3ETAI0, THGBMAG5A1JBAIR, TAS5760LD and others.
The ST03CS-2-E tuner provides television reception and channel tuning.