Model: 40PFL9705H / 60
Chassis / Version: Q551.1E LA
Panel: LK400D3LB13 code 258
LED driver (backlight): 3104 328 62891 RUNTK 4573TPZZ EH 032.1 PL5.A
PWM LED driver: XC3S200A, HC4094
Trans LED driver: 8TI00698 TDK X 1026 R0
Power Supply (PSU): FSP253-4FS01
PWM Power: A6069H (7),
MainBoard: 3104_313_64513 / 3104 313 64512/3104 313 64513
IC MainBoard: TPA3123D2, XC9572XL, 4478 (8) DC-DC, 4952 (8) DC-DC, ST E8017 (8) DC-DC
Tuner: 03-H3-082135-0611
Specifications 40PFL9705H
General repair guidelines for TV LCD LED
TV PHILIPS 40PFL9705H / 60, like many other electronic devices, it is advisable to start repairing by inspecting all external and internal elements. It often happens that visible damage to elements or connections helps determine the direction of the troubleshooting. Elements with visible damage, for example, capacitors swelled up after boiling the electrolyte, charred resistors in certain nodes of the circuit, as well as ring cracks in solders will help the master to guess the causes and possible consequences of the malfunction.
Faults in the FSP253-4FS01 power supply module can be expressed in different ways, for example, PHILIPS 40PFL9705H does not turn on at all and the control lamps on its front panel do not light up and do not blink, and there are no signs of operability. It should be noted that with the same external manifestations, the processor power regulator (converter) may be faulty. First of all, it is necessary to replace the swollen capacitors of the rectifier filters, if any. If the mains fuse is cut off in the power supply, in most cases a breakdown of the power key (s) is detected, which can be integrated with the PWM controller, or a separate field-effect transistor can be used. The rectifier bridge diodes and the electrolytic capacitor of the mains rectifier filter should also be checked.
It should be remembered that in the practice of repair, usually the power switches in switching power supplies (SMPS) do not fail due to their poor quality and, in such cases, it is necessary to look for the cause that led to a malfunction and provoked a breakdown of the key. Most often, the culprits of the accident are dried electrolytic capacitors or dangling resistors in the primary circuit, or the A6069H PWM controller chip itself may be faulty (7). It is also necessary to check all the semiconductor elements of the stabilization circuit in the primary and secondary circuits.
Sometimes the PHILIPS 40PFL9705H TV does not have an image, but there is sound, or the image appears and immediately disappears. In this case, there is a high probability of a malfunction of the LK400D3LB13 panel LED backlight converter code 258 LED RGB, or a break in the LED circuit is possible. In such cases, first of all, it is necessary to verify the serviceability of all the electrolytic capacitors of the filter by supplying the LED driver itself, including in the power supply unit (power supply unit).
In most cases of lack of backlight, it becomes necessary to disassemble the panel in order to check the LEDs, connectors, loops and all contact connections. If one or several LEDs does not work in one line, therefore, they are broken and should be replaced.
A break in the line of LEDs connected in series cannot be detected with a multimeter or tester without disassembling the panel. To open all the transitions, several tens of volts are needed, and it is best to use a current source for such purposes.
On the motherboard EH028.6 PL5.E, in case of a malfunction, you should first check the operation of all stabilizers or power converters of the microcircuits and, if necessary, update the software (software).
In cases of attempts to repair the MB (SSB) board, it is necessary to check the health of its elements - TPA3123D2, XC9572XL, 4478 (8) DC-DC, 4952 (8) DC-DC, ST E8017 (8) DC-DC which may require replacement with new ones . If a BGA processor is installed, there is a possibility of a violation of the soldering of the contacts of its conclusions with the board (it is diagnosed by heating).
The malfunction of the tuner 03-H3-082135-0611 is established after checking the software and all the supply voltages at its terminals, including the varicap supply voltage (30-33V).
Attention! For users and owners of 40PFL9705H TVs who do not have the appropriate qualifications, knowledge and experience, we categorically do not recommend attempting self-repair in order to avoid negative consequences that could lead to complete non-repairability of the device.
Service manual and schematic diagram 40PFL9705H/60 Chassis Q551.1E LA

3104_313_64513 can be used in TVs:
PHILIPS 40PFL8505H/60 (Panel LK400D3LB23 SRPJ), PHILIPS 40PFL8605H/60 (Panel LK400D3LB23 code 263 p/n: 932227887682), PHILIPS 40PFL9705H/60 (Panel LK400D3LB13 code 258), PHILIPS 40PFL8505C/60 (Panel LK400D3LB23).
The appearance of the power supply
Main features of the PHILIPS 40PFL9705H device:
Installed matrix (LED panel) LK400D3LB13 code 258.
The LED driver 3104 is used to power the backlight LEDs, it is controlled by the XC3S200A, HC4094 PWM controller. In the converter of the LED driver, a transformer 8TI00698 TDK X 1026 R0 is installed.
The necessary supply voltages for all nodes of the PHILIPS 40PFL9705H TV are generated by the FSP253-4FS01 power module, or its analogs using A6069H microcircuits (7) ,.
MainBoard - the main board (motherboard) is a 3104_313_64513 module, using TPA3123D2, XC9572XL, 4478 (8) DC-DC, 4952 (8) DC-DC, ST E8017 (8) DC-DC and others microcircuits.
The tuner 03-H3-082135-0611 provides reception of television programs and tuning to channels.