Model: 42PFL5405H / 12
Chassis / Version: Q552.1E LA
Panel: LC420WUY
Inverter (backlight): PLHD-P982A, PLHF-P983A
Power Supply (PSU): PLHD-P982A, PLHF-P983A
MainBoard: 3104_313_63643 3104 313 63643 // 3104 313 64026
IC MainBoard: PNX85507EB, SPI-M25P05, HY27UF082G2b,
Control: YKF278-001
Model: 42PFL5405H / 60
Chassis / Version: Q552.1E LA
Panel: LC420WUY (SC) (A1) code 276 p / n: 932227573682
Inverter (backlight): PLHF-P983A MPR 0.1 HRIPB42 FHD LOW (HRIPB37 ARV LOW PLHD-P982A MPR0.1)
PWM Inverter: OZ9977BGN (18)
MOSFET Inverter: KF5N50
Trans Inverter: 2NV000043DC-R
Power Supply (PSU): PLHF-P983A MPR 0.1 2722 171 00966
PWM Power: FSQ510 (7), 1207A (8), HS01G (8)
MainBoard: 3104_313_63643 3104 313 63643 // 3104 328 14761
IC MainBoard: TL2429MC, TPA3123D2, MAX 17113E, TPS 62110T1, 4952 (8), 4776 (8), HY27UF082G2B
Tuner: 3104 328 64342
Control: 2422 549 02543
Specifications 42PFL5405H
General recommendations for repairing TV LCD
It is advisable to start the repair of a PHILIPS TV with the Q552.1E LA chassis with a careful external examination of both internal and external elements. Sometimes, based on visible changes in the components of the device, it is possible to draw some conclusions and determine the direction of further troubleshooting even before the necessary measurements are taken. Carbonized paint on the upper layer of resistors, electrolytic capacitors of rectifier filters swollen after boiling, cracked soldering at the terminals of heating elements or transformers can often suggest the cause of the defect and possible consequences.
If the TV does not turn on, no indicators on its front panel are lit or blinking. Also, if the TV does not respond to the remote control and buttons, does not make any sounds or any signs of operability when it is turned on, there is a certain probability that the PLHF-P983A MPR 0.1 power supply module is defective and needs repair. Sometimes with similar manifestations a problem can only occur in the absence of processor power, which is typical for certain PHILIPS models. When diagnosing and repairing the power supply, first of all, replace the swollen filter capacitors of the secondary rectifiers and check the fuse and, if it is broken, it is necessary to identify the cause. Often in such cases, an avalanche (thermal) breakdown is detected in the power semiconductor elements of the module - rectifier diodes and transistors FQPF6N80C in the primary circuit.
It should be remembered that the keys used in switching power supplies (SMPS) rarely fail without themselves, without any reasons that must be sought by checking other elements of the circuit. Often the breakdown is caused by malfunctions of electrolytic capacitors or semiconductor elements in the primary circuit, or by a break in the resistors in the stabilization circuits. The PWM controller chip FSQ510 (7), 1207A (8), H501G (8) can also cause a breakdown of the power switch of the converter.
If, when you turn on the TV, the image appears and immediately disappears, or is initially absent when you turn on, but there is sound and other functions work, there is a high probability of a malfunction of the inverter (power converter for the backlight). In such cases, the lamps, the inverter and the common power module are subject to verification, in which the electrolytic capacitors of the rectifier filter supplying the inverter should be checked.
Repair or diagnostics of the motherboard (SSB) 3104 328 14761 should begin by checking the stabilizers or power converters of its microcircuits. If necessary, you should update the software (software). Sophisticated MB board repair (SSB) is in some cases possible and practiced by repairmen. To do this, check and, if necessary, replace the elements TL2429MC, TPA3123D2, MAX 17113E, TPS 62110T1, 4952 (8), 4776 (8), HY27UF082G2B, tuner 3104 328 64342. Faults in BGA chips are usually easy to detect by heating.
We recommend the owners of the 42PFL5405H TV for repair only to qualified specialists with experience! Self-repair attempts without the appropriate knowledge and skills can lead to serious negative consequences!
Service manual and schematic diagram 42PFL5405H/60 Chassis Q552.1E LA
Typical defect: LED blinks 3 times, TV does not turn on. The main operating mode power converter does not start. Check and, if necessary, replace the 24V rectifier elements in the secondary circuit - Schottky diode SB3200 and filter capacitor 470uF.
PSU ----------> PLHF-P983A schematic diagram.

The appearance of MainBoard 3104_313_63643 is shown in the figure below:
3104_313_63643 can be used in TVs:
PHILIPS 32PFL5405H/60 (Panel LC320WUY (SC)(A1) code 278 p/n: 9322 257 14743), PHILIPS 32PFL6605H/60 (Panel LC320EUH(SC)(A6) code 298 (286 )), PHILIPS 32PFL7605H/60 (Panel LC320EUH (SC)(A6) code 265 ), PHILIPS 32PFL7605H/60 (Panel LC320EUH(SC)(A2) p/n: 932227890682), PHILIPS 32PFL7605H/60 (Panel LC320EUH-SHA2 code 265 p/n: 932227890682), PHILIPS 37PFL5405H/60 (Panel LC370WUY(SC)(A1) code 277), PHILIPS 37PFL7605H/60 (Panel LC370EUH(SC)(A1) p/n: 932227578682), PHILIPS 37PFL7605H/60 (Panel LC370EUH(SC)(A2)), PHILIPS 40PFL7605H/12 (Panel LK400D3LA93 (SRPJ) B p/n: 932227619682), PHILIPS 42PFL5405H/12 (Panel LC420WUY), PHILIPS 42PFL5405H/60 (Panel LC420WUY (SC)(A1) code 276 p/n: 932227573682), PHILIPS 46PFL7605H/60 (Panel 9322 276 21682 code 271), PHILIPS 52PFL8605D/77 (Panel 52).
The appearance of the power supply
Main features of the PHILIPS 42PFL5405H device:
Installed matrix (LCD panel) LC420WUY (SC) (A1) code 276 p / n: 932227573682.
To power the backlight, the PLHF-P983A inverter is used, it is controlled by the OZ9977BGN PWM controller (18). A transformer 2NV000043DC-R is installed in the inverter converter. As power elements of the inverter, keys of the KF5N50 type are used.
The necessary supply voltages for all nodes of the PHILIPS 42PFL5405H TV are generated by the PLHF-P983A power supply module or its analogs using FSQ510 (7), 1207A (8), HS01G (8) microchips and power switches of the FQPF6N80C type.
MainBoard - the main board (motherboard) is a module 3104_313_63643, using microcircuits TL2429MC, TPA3123D2, MAX 17113E, TPS 62110T1, 4952 (8), 4776 (8), HY27UF082G2B and others.
The tuner 3104 328 64342 provides reception of television programs and tuning to channels.