Model: 40PFL5606H / 60
Chassis / Version: L11M2.1E LA
Panel: LK400D3LB83J (SRPJ) B p / n: 932228636682
LED backlight: 2011SSP40 36
LED driver (backlight): integrated into PSU
PWM LED driver: OZ9902GN
MOSFET LED driver: AOD450
Power Supply (PSU): PLDE-P007A B 272217190318, PLDE-P017A B 272217190361
PWM Power: LNK362PG (7), L6599AD,
MOSFET Power: KF5N50FS, KF5N50
MainBoard: 715G4722-M1C-000-005B 313913872461, 313913872462
IC MainBoard: SI5403DC-T1-GE3, H5PS1G63EFR-G7C, 24C128W1, MT5135AE / A, STA339BWTR, G5250M1T1U, G1084TU3UF, G5795F11U
Tuner: NV57U03D5F
Control: YKF293-001 242254990301
Specifications 40PFL5606H
General repair guidelines for TV LCD LED
Repair of the PHILIPS 40PFL5606H / 60 TV should begin with a careful external examination of all its components and modules. Visible damage to elements can sometimes indicate the direction of the search for a defect even before the necessary measurements are taken. In some cases, faulty elements can be seen with the naked eye, for example, charred resistors or swollen metal-ceramic capacitors, or electrolytic in rectifier filters. Ring cracks formed in the soldered terminals of transformers or heating elements of the circuit are also frequent sources of many malfunctions with a variety of external manifestations.
If the PHILIPS 40PFL5606H does not turn on, no control lights on the front panel light up or blink, therefore, there is a very high probability of a malfunction of the PLDE-P007A B 272217190318 power supply module. In some cases, only the processor power regulator may be malfunctioning. First of all, it is necessary to replace the swollen capacitors of the rectifier filters, if any. If the mains fuse is cut off in the power supply, in most cases a breakdown of the power key (s) is detected, which can be integrated with the PWM controller, or a separate field-effect transistor can be used. The rectifier bridge diodes and the electrolytic capacitor of the mains rectifier filter should also be checked.
The reasons for the breakdown of the power switch in pulsed power supplies (IIPS) can be different, for example, a malfunction of semiconductor cells or electrolytic capacitors in the stabilization circuits of the primary circuit, as well as a failure in the operation of the PWM controller chip or broken resistors in its bundle.
If, when you turn on the TV, the image appears and immediately disappears, or is missing initially when you turn on, but the sound has other functions that work, there is a high probability of a malfunction of the LED driver (power converter for the backlight LEDs of the panel LK400D3LB83 932228636682).
The lack of backlight often occurs due to an open circuit in the LED circuit. There is a need for disassembling the panel and checking the LEDs themselves, as well as the same contact connections in the connectors and rations of the terminals.
It is impossible to detect a break in the LED line without disassembling the panel with a simple multimeter. The LEDs are connected in series and to open their transitions, a voltage of several tens of volts is required. Ideally, a current source is suitable for such purposes.
On the motherboard 715G4722-M1C-000-005B, in the event of a malfunction, you should first check the performance of all the stabilizers and power converters of the microcircuits, and also, if necessary, update the software (software).
If the TV works normally from external devices, but does not tune into television channels, the tuner 715G4722-M1C-000-005B may be malfunctioning. In such cases, first of all, you should make sure that there are supply voltages at its corresponding terminals. Sometimes the cause of the inoperability of the tuner may be a software failure.
Once again, we remind TV users: you should not make attempts to repair it yourself without the appropriate knowledge, experience and the necessary qualifications! Trust the repair only to professionals with sufficient experience in the field of electronic equipment repair.
Service manual and schematic diagram 40PFL5606H/60 Chassis L11M2.1E LA
40PFL5206H/12, 40PFL5206H/58, 40PFL5606H/12, 40PFL5606H/58, 40PFL5606H/60, 40PFL5616H/60, 46PFL5606H/12, 46PFL5606H/58
LK400D3LB83 (SRPJ) B 932228306682 , LK400D3LB83J (SRPJ) B 932228635682 code 142 , 932228527682 CODE 130

715G4722-M1C-000-005B can be used in TVs:
PHILIPS 32PFL5406H/60 (Panel LC320EXE (SD)(N6) code 128), PHILIPS 40PFL5606H/60 (Panel LK400D3LB83J (SRPJ) B p/n: 932228636682), PHILIPS 32PFL5606H/60 (Panel LC320EUG (SD)(N6)).
The appearance of the power supply
Main features of the PHILIPS 40PFL5606H device:
Installed matrix (LED panel) LK400D3LB83J (SRPJ) B p / n: 932228636682.
The matrix control uses the Timing Controller (T-CON) DUNTK4918TP.
To power the backlight LEDs, a converter is used, combined with a power supply, controlled by the OZ9902GN PWM controller. As power elements of the LED driver, keys of the AOD450 type are used.
The necessary supply voltages for all nodes of the PHILIPS 40PFL5606H TV are generated by the PLDE-P007A power supply module or its analogs using LNK362PG microcircuits (7), L6599AD, and power switches of the KF5N50FS, KF5N50 type.
MainBoard - the main board (motherboard) is a module 715G4722-M1C-000-005B, using chips SI5403DC-T1-GE3, H5PS1G63EFR-G7C, 24C128W1, MT5135AE / A, STA339BWTR, G5250M1T1U, G1084TUFUFUFUU, G1084TUF, etc.
The tuner NV57U03D5F provides the reception of television programs and tuning to channels.