Model: 40PFT4309 / 60
Chassis / Version: TPM14.1E LA
Panel: TPT400LA-J6PE1 Rev C1A code 034 / 750TBV400J61ACN000
LED backlight: LB-F3528-GJ40409-H
LED driver (backlight): integrated into PSU
PWM LED driver: LD7890GS
MOSFET LED driver: EMD60N10F
Power Supply (PSU): 715G6353-P0B-001-0020 PLTVDP331XAU1
PWM Power: LD7591T (PFC), SSC1S311 (PWM)
MOSFET Power: TK15A60U (PFC), TK13A65U
MainBoard: 715G6094-M0I-000-004N
IC MainBoard: 62 = 1A 73N (4x4), A1528 (8), K15A60U,
Tuner: STO3C8-2-E 905TXESCM3100100SX
Control: 398GR8BD1NEPHH 705TXE9860300X26500100610
Specifications 40PFT4309
General repair guidelines for TV LCD LED
Repair of the PHILIPS 40PFT4309 / 60 TV is advisable to start with a careful external examination of both internal and external elements. Many visible changes in the state of the elements make it possible to determine the further direction of troubleshooting and localization of the defect. Ring cracks in the soldering of the leads of the heating elements, swollen electrolytic capacitors, a charred paint layer on the resistors - all this for the repairman can be a significant clue in the assumptions about the causes and consequences of the malfunction.
In cases where the PHILIPS 40PFT4309 TV does not turn on, does not respond to the remote control and buttons, no indicators on the front panel light up or blink and there are no sounds and no signs of operability when turning on, the power supply module 715G6353-P0B-001 is most likely to be faulty -, PLTVDP331XAU1 or there is no processor power on the motherboard (a typical defect of some PHILIPS TV models). When repairing the power supply, it is advisable to start the diagnostics by checking the mains fuse and the electrolytic capacitors of the filters of the converter secondary rectifiers. In the event of a fuse breaking, the reason should be sought in the power semiconductor elements of the pulse converter of the main power supply. First of all, it is necessary to check the diodes of the bridge of the rectifier of the mains voltage and the power switch (s) of the K15A60U converter.
If a breakdown of the power switch is detected, it should be remembered that in a switching power supply (IIP) it does not fail by itself without any reasons that should be sought by checking other elements of the primary circuit - electrolytic capacitors, a PWM controller, which can only be checked replacement, as well as other semiconductor elements (diodes, transistors, zener diodes).
If the PHILIPS 40PFT4309 does not have an image, but there is sound, the backlight LEDs on the TPT400LA-J6PE1 Rev C1A code 034 750TBV400J61ACN000 or their power converter may be malfunctioning. You should also make sure that the electrolytic capacitors of the secondary rectifiers of the common power supply are working.
To check the health of the LEDs and contact connections in their power circuit, the panel must be disassembled.
When diagnosing, it is necessary to take into account that it is impossible to check the open in the chain of LED lines without disassembling the panels using a tester or multimeter. To open all PN junctions connected in series, a voltage of the order of several tens of volts is required, and ideally, a current source.
The motherboard 715G6094-M0I-000-004N must be checked if there is no reaction to the remote control and function buttons, the standby indicator blinks or lights up constantly. In such cases, if the converters or power regulators of the microcircuit are working, a software update may be necessary.
In some cases, to repair the MB (SSB) board, it may be necessary to replace the chips - 62 = 1A 73N (4x4), A1528 (8), K15A60U, with new or obviously good ones. In cases where BGA technologies are used, defects are usually localized by the heating method.
In cases where there is no tuning to the local television channels, make sure that the voltage of the varicaps (30-33V) and other supply voltages on the terminals of the tuner STO3C8-2-E 905TXESCM3100100SX are present.
Once again, remind users! Attempts at self-repair of the PHILIPS 40PFT4309 TV without the appropriate qualifications and experience can lead to its complete non-repairability!
Service manual and schematic diagram 40PFT4309/60 Chassis TPM14.1E LA

PSU Advanced
On the 40PFT4309 / 60 TV, the 715G6353-P0B-001-0020 power module is installed using the PFC (Power Factor Correction) circuit acting as an active filter to eliminate the higher harmonic components of the current consumption. The boost converter based on the LD7591T PWM controller does not allow the input rectifier filter's electrolytic capacitor to be connected to the network directly through open diodes when the charge current determines its reactance (of the order of 15-30 ohms at a frequency of 50 Hz). As a result of the conversion, the charging current of the capacitor will be determined in such a way that the envelope of the high-frequency pulses of the input current will repeat the phase and shape of the sine wave of the input voltage. The health check of the PFC unit is carried out by measuring the DC voltage on the capacitor of the rectifier network. In operating mode, it should be around 380V, in standby approximately 300V.
The appearance of the power supply
Main features of the PHILIPS 40PFT4309 device:
Installed matrix (LED panel) TPT400LA-J6PE1 Rev C1A code 034 / 750TBV400J61ACN000.
To power the backlight LEDs, a converter is used, combined with a power supply, controlled by the LD7890GS PWM controller. As power elements of the LED driver, keys of the type EMD60N10F are used.
The necessary supply voltages for all nodes of the PHILIPS 40PFT4309 television are generated by the 715G6353-P0B-001-0020 power supply module or its analogs using LD7591T (PFC), SSC1S311 (PWM) microcircuits and TK15A60U (PFC), TK13A65U power switches.
MainBoard - the main board (motherboard) is a module 715G6094-M0I-000-004N, using microcircuits 62 = 1A 73N (4x4), A1528 (8), K15A60U, and others.
The STO3C8-2-E 905TXESCM3100100SX tuner provides TV reception and channel tuning.