Model: 40PFL3018T / 12
Chassis / Version: VES2.2E LA
Panel: VES400UNDS-01
LED backlight: Direct 3528 45 LED-STRIP-A-9LEDs-40L1333DB
LED driver (backlight): integrated into PSU
PWM LED driver: MP3394S
Power Supply (PSU): 17IPS20P
PWM Power: SG6742HR, FAN7529 (PFC)
MainBoard: 17MB95-2.1
IC MainBoard: MSD8WB9BX, MX25L1605A, 25Q80, H27U2G8F2CTR, TAS5719
Tuner: SI2156
Specifications 40PFL3018T
General repair guidelines for TV LCD LED
In cases when the PHILIPS 40PFL3018T TV does not turn on, does not respond to the remote control and buttons, no indicators on the front panel light up or blink, and there are no sounds and no signs of operability when turning on, the 17IPS20P power supply module is most likely faulty or there is no power to the standby mode. Diagnostics and repair of the common power supply should always begin with a check of the mains fuse and the condition of the electrolytic capacitors of the secondary rectifier filters. Defective and swollen capacitors should be replaced with new ones. If the fuse breaks, it is advisable to check for a breakdown, first of all, all the power semiconductor elements of the converter and the diode bridge of the rectifier network, as well as the large electrolytic capacitor of the filter of the rectifier network.
Power switches in pulsed power supplies (SMPS) fail extremely rarely for no reason and, if they are broken, it is necessary to look for a malfunction in the stabilization circuits by checking electrolytic capacitors, semiconductor devices, and resistors in the primary circuit. The cause may be a malfunction of the PWM controller chip, which can only be checked by replacing it with a new or obviously working one.
If the PHILIPS 40PFL3018T does not have an image, there is sound and the channels are switched, there is a possibility of a malfunction in the backlight LED circuit of the VES400UNDS-01 panel, or their power converter - LED driver. Sometimes, when turned on, the image appears and immediately disappears. In such cases, it is necessary to check the electrolytic capacitors of the power filter of the backlight unit.
To check the health of the LEDs and contact connections in their power circuit, the panel must be disassembled.
It is impossible to check the LED line for breaks without disassembling the panel with a multimeter or tester. For these purposes, it is necessary to open all series-connected PN junctions and a voltage of the order of tens of volts will be required, and ideally, a current source. Having disassembled the panel, it is necessary to check each LED separately. Chinese multimeters, as a rule, light up a single 3-volt LED in the forward direction. In the case of using dual 6-volt LEDs, the PN junction of its protective zener diode can serve as a health indicator. In faulty LEDs, the zener diode will either be cut off or broken into short-circuit.
Repair or diagnostics of the 17MB95-2.1 motherboard should begin by checking the stabilizers and power converters needed to power the microcircuit and matrix. If necessary, you should update the software (software).
When repairing an MB board, you must check its components MX25L1605A, 25Q80, H27U2G8F2CTR. Defective items should be replaced. If BGA chips are installed, their malfunction is usually localized by heating.
Once again, remind users! Attempts to self-repair a PHILIPS 40PFL3018T TV without the appropriate qualifications and experience can lead to its complete non-repairability!
Service manual and sсhematic diagram 40PFL3018T/12 Chassis VES2.2E LA
17IPS20P sсhematic diagram
To reduce the backlight current in LED drivers with the MP3394S (MP3394) controller, increase the resistance of the resistor from pin 6 (ISET) to the chassis. The maximum current in each channel (in milliamperes) for the Rset resistor (in kilo-ohms) is determined from the ratio 790 * 1.23V / (Rset + 0.4).

17MB95-2.1 can be used in TVs:
PHILIPS 40PFL3018T/12 (Panel VES400UNDS-01), TELEFUNKEN L32H125A3 (Panel VES315WNEA-01-B), TOSHIBA 22L1353R (Panel LM215WF4), TOSHIBA 22L1354R (Panel LM215WF4 TL G1), TOSHIBA 40L1353N (Panel LTA400HM23).
PSU Advanced
The 17IPS20P power module is implemented using a Power Factor Correction (PFC) scheme to eliminate multiple AC harmonics introduced into the power supply by the device. The PFC assembly is a Step-Up Converter based on the FAN7529 PWM controller, which evenly distributes high-frequency pulses of the charging current of the electrolytic capacitor of the rectifier filter of the mains voltage over a period of 50 Hz. The current of its charge in this case will already be determined not by its reactance (usually 10-30 ohms for the network frequency), but by the elements of the converter. As a result, a change in the amplitude of the pulses (envelope) of the consumed current of the converter will repeat the shape and phase of the input sinusoidal voltage. The availability of an increased voltage (about + 380V) in the operating mode on the capacitor of the line filter indicates the serviceability of the PFC node.
The appearance of the power supply
Main features of the PHILIPS 40PFL3018T device:
Installed matrix (LED-panel) VES400UNDS-01.
To power the backlight LEDs, a converter is used, combined with the power supply, controlled by the MP3394S PWM controller. As the power elements of the LED driver, keys of the type FQPF8N60C, FQD7N10L are used.
The necessary supply voltages for all nodes of the PHILIPS 40PFL3018T TV are generated by the 17IPS20P power supply module or its analogs using SG6742HR, FAN7529 (PFC) microchips and power switches of the FQPF8N60C, FQPF9N50C (PFC) type.
MainBoard - the main board (motherboard) is a 17MB95-2.1 module, using microchips MSD8WB9BX, MX25L1605A, 25Q80, H27U2G8F2CTR, TAS5719 and others.
The SI2156 tuner provides TV reception and channel tuning.