Model: UE42F5300AK
Chassis / Version: U85A // Ver. AS01
Panel: CY-HF420BGAV1V // HF420BGA-B1
LED backlight: 2013SVS42F_L_9, 2013SVS42F_R_5 Rev1.8 130103
T-CON: // 50T11-C02 T500HVN05.0 Ctrl BD
LED driver (backlight): integrated into PSU; 136 / 182V 280mA, 147 / 195V 280mA
PWM LED driver: MAP3312B
MOSFET LED driver: AOD9N40, AOD5N40
Power Supply (PSU): BN44-00645A L42S1_DSM
PWM Power: SEM3110A, SQD2011K (Standby), SEM3050 (PFC)
MainBoard: BN41-01958B BN94-06774U // BN41-01958A
IC MainBoard: K4B2G1646E, KLM4G1FE3B, 25Q40, 25Q40, WT61P807, TAS5745
Tuner: BN40-00262B CT2CX-3S / K3S
Control: Remote: AA59-00582A, IR: BN96-26411J (BN41-01976B)
Technical Specifications UE42F5300
General repair guidelines for TV LCD LED
If the UE42F5300AK does not turn on, does not respond to the remote control and the front panel buttons, does not blink light bulbs and does not show any signs of operability, the BN44-00645A L42S1_DSM power supply module is probably faulty in this case. First of all, it is necessary to replace the swollen capacitors of the rectifier filters, if any. If the mains fuse is broken in the power supply, in most cases a breakdown of the power key (s) is detected, which can be integrated with the PWM controller, or a separate field-effect transistor can be used. The rectifier bridge diodes and the electrolytic capacitor of the mains rectifier filter should also be checked.
The LED driver for backlighting the panel will be implemented as a Step-Up-Converter type converter and placed on the same board as the power module.
If there is no image when you turn on the SAMSUNG UE42F5300AK, or it appears and immediately disappears, but there is sound, most likely there is a malfunction in the backlight LED circuit of the CY-HF420BGAV1V panel, or in the node of the LED driver.
In the event of an open circuit in the LED circuit on the 2013SVS42F bracket, it is necessary to completely disassemble the panel, check the LED for an open circuit, as well as the reliability of the connections in the connectors and rations of the terminals.
An open in the LED lines connected in series cannot be detected with a multimeter or tester without disassembling the panel. To open all the transitions, several tens of volts are needed, and it is best to use a current source for such purposes.
Repair or diagnostics of the BN41-01958B BN94-06774U motherboard should begin by checking the stabilizers and power converters needed to power all MainBoard chips and the panel. If necessary, update the software (software).
In cases of complex repairs of MB (SSB) and in the presence of the necessary skills and equipment, sometimes it may be necessary to replace its chips K4B2G1646E, KLM4G1FE3B, 25Q40, 25Q40, WT61P807, TAS5745 and other possible faulty components. Malfunctions associated with the application of BGA soldering technologies are usually easily diagnosed by the heating method.
Malfunction of the tuner BN40-00262B CT2CX-3S / K3S is established after checking the software and all supply voltages at its terminals. Also, before replacing the tuner, you must use an oscilloscope to verify that the tuner is exchanging data with the processor.
We recommend the owners of the UE42F5300AK TV for repair only to qualified specialists with experience! Self-repair attempts without the appropriate knowledge and skills can lead to serious negative consequences!
SCHEMATIC MANUAL ----------------> Samsung Chassis U85A, Models UE32F45****, UE**F53****, UE**F55****, UE**F5700AW.
PSU SCHEMATIC ------------------> BN44-00645A Power Supply schematic diagram.
VARIANT SAMSUNG UE42F5300AK Chassis: U85A Ver. AS01.
Panel: HF420BGA-B1, Main: BN94-06774U BN41-01958A (SEMS30, K4B2G1646E-BCMA, KLM4G1FE3B-B001, 25Q40CL, AT24C256C, WT61P807, TAS5745, Тuner: BN40-00262B, CT2CX-3S/K3S.
PSU: BN44-00645A L42S1_DSM (SEM3110A, SQD2011K, SEM3050. MAP3312B AOD9N40, STD14NM50N, STF13NM60;
LED driver output: 136/182V 280mA, 147/195V 280mA.
T-CON: 50T11-C02 T500HVN05.0 Ctrl BD (AUO-12309, AUO-G1422, M106-28, P301-40).
FIRMWARE FOR SPI FLASH, EEPROM ------------> SAMSUNG UE42F5300AK U85A Ver. AS01, Main: BN41-01958A, Panel: HF420BGA-B1.

BN41-01958B can be used in TVs:
SAMSUNG UE39F5500 UE39F5500AK (Panel HF390BGM-C1), SAMSUNG UE32F5300AK (Panel HF320BGA-B1), SAMSUNG UE40F6200AK (Panel CY-HF400BGLV2V), SAMSUNG UE32F4500AK (Panel HF32AGH-R1), SAMSUNG UE42F5300AK (Panel CY-HF420BGAV1V), SAMSUNG UE46F6500 AK (Panel CY-HF400CSLV1V), SAMSUNG UE46F6330AK UE46F6330 (Panel CY-HF460CSLV2V), SAMSUNG UE32F6330 AK (Panel CY-HF320CSLV1V), SAMSUNG UE40F6330AK UE40F6330 (Panel CY-HF400CSLV5V), SAMSUNG UE40F6510AB UE40F6510 (Panel CY-GF400CSLV2V), SAMSUNG UE55F6400AK UE55F6400 (Panel CY-HF550CSLV1V), SAMSUNG UE40F6540AB (Panel CY-GF400CSLV3V), SAMSUNG UE40F6500 UE40F6500SS (Panel CY-GF400CSLV1H), SAMSUNG UE46F6650 UE46F6650AB (Panel CY-GF460CSLV1V), SAMSUNG UE46F6510 UE46F6510AB (Panel CY-GF460CSLV2V), SAMSUNG UE50F6330 UE50F6330AK (Panel HF500CSA-B1).
PSU Advanced
The power module BN44-00645A is made using the Power Factor Correction (PFC) scheme to eliminate multiple AC harmonics introduced by the device into the mains. The PFC assembly is a Step-Up Converter based on the SEM3050 PWM controller, which evenly distributes high-frequency impulses of the charging current of the electrolytic capacitor of the rectifier filter of the mains voltage over a period of 50 Hz. The current of its charge in this case will already be determined not by its reactance (usually 10-30 ohms for the network frequency), but by the elements of the converter. As a result, a change in the amplitude of the pulses (envelope) of the consumed current of the converter will repeat the shape and phase of the input sinusoidal voltage. The availability of the increased voltage (about + 380V) in the operating mode on the capacitor of the line filter indicates the serviceability of the PFC node.
The appearance of the power supply
Main features of the SAMSUNG UE42F5300AK device:
Installed matrix (LED panel) CY-HF420BGAV1V or HF420BGA-B1.
The matrix control uses the Timing Controller (T-CON).
To power the backlight LEDs, a converter is used, combined with the power supply, controlled by the MAP3312B PWM controller. As power elements of the LED driver, keys of the type AOD9N40, AOD5N40 are used.
The necessary supply voltages for all nodes of the SAMSUNG UE42F5300AK TV are generated by the BN44-00645A power supply module or its analogs using SEM3110A, SQD2011K (Standby), SEM3050 (PFC) microcircuits and power switches of the STD14NM50N, STF13NM60 (PFC) type.
MainBoard - the main board (motherboard) is a BN41-01958B module, using microcircuits K4B2G1646E, KLM4G1FE3B, 25Q40, 25Q40, WT61P807, TAS5745 and others.
The tuner BN40-00262B CT2CX-3S / K3S provides the reception of television programs and tuning to channels.
Information from an alternative source:
Panel Type (Matrix): CY-HF420BGAV1V
Motherboard: BN94-06774U BN41-0195B, Tuner: CT2CX-3S / K3S BN40-00262B
T-con: 50T11-C02 T500HVN05.0 Ctrl BD
PSU: L42S1_DSM BN94-00645A
Remote control: AA59-00793A